kalphite queen.
Posts by skycchi
It's a pretty damn good game.
I am also an atheist.
That sucks.Mate.
Lulz, I'm a new member lulz!
Welome to the forums.
Zomg.I love ness.
Runescape has bad graphics.
Happy birthday.
I used the play flute at school , but I allways had bad grades there.
I want a big tattoo on my back when i reach the age of 18.
did you miss the " he searched for flashes/music on Newgrounds and decided to share his efforts here." part?
You fail, etc.
Captain's right, it is basically meaningless. ;_; -
Trinexx was pretty damn hard, so yeah
I wish to gain access to the arcade.;)
Nice images, dude.;)
That's really nice.
Simple "tetris".
Nice vid you got there.
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