Posts by Shrukan

    Anyone heard about this show? It's a bit funny, but not a whole lot. I don't watch it either, but this is the only funny part I like:


    Crack an egg... *throws egg at wall*
    Add one cup of Sugar. *Swallows sugar, but spits it back into bowl when told he messed up*
    Introduce two sticks of butter to the bowl. Mr Butter, meet Ms. Butter.

    I'm a bit pissy about the Admins deleting a 7 page RPG we worked so hard on.

    Even among Smash players, there are some people who just aren’t that good at action games. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking about how I can convey the fun of Smash to newcomers. I’ve been thinking about this type of thing since long before I joined this industry.

    So, for this game, I’ve prepared a new kind of mode. It’s called Spectator, and you’ll find it in the With Anyone menu. If I had to describe it in a word, it’s "watching!"

    You can enjoy watching matches between other people!

    This mode is a service where Nintendo uses Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to send the data for games played between other people to every Smash household.

    Match selection is handled automatically, and absolutely no names of any players can be seen. It feels like there’s a continuous broadcast of matches on your television! Even if you don’t play, you can enjoy the battles of other characters!

    And at the beginning of each match, you can even bet coins on the character you think will win.

    I’ll bet some coins. I’ve got a winner!

    Glean what hints you can from the stages and combatants and try to deduce the winner.

    Of course, if your pick wins, your coin count will increase! And the more players in a match, the higher the payout. There may even be extra prizes.

    Even if you lose, you can get some stickers.

    Just to make sure there’s no mistaking that just watching a match can be fun, we’ll be passing out stickers left and right.

    For those of you who want to cooperate with our data collection for Spectator mode, set Allow Spectators to Yes in your Wi-Fi Options. This will result in your play data occasionally being sent to Nintendo.

    This setting is in your Wi-Fi Options.

    The content that is broadcast is the same for everyone spectating (if your connection timing is the same), so it should be fun to have people in different environments watch and cheer the same match.

    To be shocked by impressive play, or to bust a gut laughing at some accident will be quite fun! Perhaps you can use it as reference for your own matches.

    Hopefully this mode is something that even people who aren’t good at games can enjoy.

    Here's the update for today. I'm confused about it. o.O

    Hold- Hold down the Z-Targeting button to lock onto a monster. If you release the button, the lock will be released.

    Switch- Tap the Z-Targeting button once to lock onto an eninmy. If you let the button go, the lock will remain. Tap the Z-Targeting button agian to gain another target. To lose the target, walk out of range of the lock.

    I HATE the Switch feature ;_;

    I guess I use hold then.

    Explanation:( I read this on some official site)

    The third book will be so big Christopher P. will have to put them in two separate books. The third book will have Murtagh's dragon on it and thefourth, mayb Shruikan.

    Why would the third book have Murtagh's Dragon, thorn, on it, if it's on the cover of the second book? announced on Tuesday, October 30th that the Inheritance Trilogy is the Inheritance Trilogy no more. Instead, Christopher Paolini will be writing a fourth book, making it a cycle.

    There's also a video of Paolini talking about this in that link, but beware, there are some minor spoilers about the third book in it.

    Also, the release date for the third book, still untitled, was announced. It will be released in America and in Canada on September 23, 2008.


    Pretty cool stuff I think. More books = sounds good to me. But September 23? Geez, that's still a year away =[



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