Posts by Shrukan

    I'm stuck again in the early stages of the story. I really don't want to go back and delete some shit to help with the story.

    I need help on how I want Shrukan to move, grow, and learn about his powers. That and also get revenge against Avinash, aka The Plague.

    Here's a quick list of what is going on:

    • Shrukan got his power of Balance. He can use fire, water, ice, lightning, wind, earth, light, and dark, but cannot control them.
    • He never learned to use swords. He's fairly new to using them, and he's really weak with em.
    • Avinash is searching for Shrukan and try to kill him. In trying to kill him in the beginning, Shrukan's stepfather intervened and took the blow from Avinash's sword.
    • Shrukan keeps having dreams about the future, and namely what may or may not happen. Around this area I'm stuck, so this is mainly an idea.

    Shrukan has no choice but to leave his homeland in the Mountains and has to travel around to learn and such.

    But I need ideas to help me continue. Anyone have ideas?

    Sorry if anyone's feeling are hurt? **** you, Jason!

    I'm leaving for awhile. Please email me at: abolduc[at] if you want to talk to me, cause I ain't getting on my computer for awhile. I need time to think a bit. This is my school email, so I'll check it only at 7:40 in the morning.

    Ugh. I got yelled at once again. First was the counselor, Mrs. Druker. She yelled at me for Drama Class. Said I had to "memorize my lines or fail the class." Yeah. I'll study my ****ing lines when Dad is moaning in pain. Yeah. ****ing studying while my dad is BED BOUND REALLY IS GONNA WORK! Major "**** You" counselor. I hope you ****ing burn in hell.

    Then I was supposed to talk to Mr. Brown, our Dean. I wanted to tell him my Spanish/Psychology teacher was being a ***** (actually I told him she was being mean, but same thing). All he said was: "Mrs. Bosma is the nicest teacher I have seen. Why do you think she got angry at you?" "Cause I was waiting for the bell to ring for lunch and I--" "--Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten up. If you were sitting down, you wouldn't get in trouble, right?" **** YOU MR BROWN! **** YOU! :angry2:

    I have sugar problems! I need to get lunch ASAP or I start to shake bad and better yet, can't eat because I get an upset stomach!

    I cried not once, but three times today. My body is so ****ing tired right now crying. I feel confused. Hell. I got to 3rd period 10 mins before class ended. I stuck in the office and the bathroom trying to calm down. I could feel my heart being encased in ice. I didn't know what to do at all.

    I called home, back to mom. I wanted her. I wanted her to comfort me. I was so sad. I wanted someone who understood my situation.

    The Staff all kiss each other's damn ass. They're the "perfect". I am the "obsolete" person. I'm the reason for my failing grades. Everything I do is my fault.

    I feel like an utter failure. I feel like in Spanish, considering my brain can't seem to process words quick enough.

    We had to translate what the teacher said yesterday: "Me gusta la clase de Estudios Sociales, porque me gusta la Historia." I only got "Me gusta la clase de..." even after she repeated it three times. I asked her to repeat it once more, slower, but all she said was: "No. Just move on."

    She said: "I know some of you will not get it on the first few tries." Right now, I think I'll never understand Spanish. I can't process it quick enough. I feel like it was Geometry class all over again; I was an idiot in a crowd of geniuses.

    Drama was no different. I was constantly yelled at to be louder on stage and I had to once again rely on a prompter. I guess I'm not ready for anything. I went for Drama for fun, not to be criticized to the point of breaking down. I told blademaster42 that I was going to cut his balls off because he told me to memorize my lines. I said: "You want to lose those set of balls huh?" I walked off and then spat out: "*****."

    Life right now is not really good for me. I'm so sad right now, and mom doesn't know what to do. Should I be swapped to an alternative school (which sucks worse than my HS right now) or should I drop out. I really don't care now, considering my life is total shit right now.

    I can't seem to get anyone to understand my life, and overall I feel so alone. Hardly any of my classes have my friends in them, and so I end up crying by myself, with no one to comfort me.

    I wish for this pain to go away.