Posts by Shrukan


    *Yay for Long title*

    If you watch the anime, you would know the three Legendary Knights of Atlantis: Lord Timaeus, Sir Hermos/Hellmos, and Sir Critias. They however, STILL have not appeared as cards!



    Sir Hermos:

    Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    timaeus can be equipped with any monster on your field or in your hand, and it gains the ability, then same thing for critias, except you have to activate the trap and use its effect, then when it would go to the graveyard, equip it to critias, and you can also equip monsters. Hermos would be hard, because he makes equips by fusing with other monsters. I would say maybe equip it and the monster of your choice to ANOTHER monster, and that monster gains not hermos, but the other monster's effect. Or something. And when the monster is gone, both hermos and the other equip monster are gone. If either hermos or the other equip monster are gone, the other equip is gone too. Like that

    That's for their dragon forms only.

    What I say about their Knight forms is this:

    -Timaeus would have an effect like Polymerization to fuse with Critias and Hermos at the cost of Life points and they would separate every time the owner turn ended.
    - Knight of Destiny, their fusion, would be have the same attack as all three Knight and the same Defense (2800/1900?). His effect would be able to destroy one card on the field, but he cannot attack that same turn. Somewhat similar to Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning.
    -Kritius would bring a trap from the graveyard and then activate it during battle, but the Trap would be removed from play.
    -Hellmos/Hermos would remove three monsters from your deck to the grave to negate one attack that turn and it could only be used once.

    Yet Konami hasn't really bothered with these monsters, and I guess they are anime only brand.

    I really think that Konami should bring the Knights in for the TCG. Maybe not as playable, but collectible.

    you should ask for the teacher...I know you'll hate me for saying that, but tell him/her your really struggling and maybe if they could help you, or give you some extra time to catch up on the work

    or as muigi said, get the hell out of that class and switch to another. like COOKING! e

    Well we have these classes I can take:

    Gym 2, French (highly doubt), or maybe double up in a computers course (Advanced Computers and Tech Lab).

    Never give up. You keep pushing and you keep pushing. You don't stop. If you trip, get back on your feet. You meet a block in your way, push it out. You come across a person, beat him the **** out of your way. You DON'T stop. High Shcool if the dividing line from money, life, death, and misery. Everything you do in High School will be your future. You keep pushing and in doing so block everything out. Love is mearly nothing in school. Its quite impossible, really. Odds are everyone that you see in school you will never see them agian. Don't worry about that. In case of hobbies, (which I have trouble with) you must also push gamming out of your way. It only takes your time away. Spend your time studing for tests, doing homework, and during class, don't be afraid to ask questions. Smart People ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that wasnt asked.

    No one is pestering me at school. I'm not looking for relationships.

    Tywar.... ****ING READ MY POST! I'm giving up because the ****ing work IS HARD!

    Actually, no, it isn't better to just give up, Amy. If you give up, you just prove to yourself that you're not ready to live on your own. How do you tend to move on in life if you just give up on everything? I learned that the hard way, and I don't want the same thing to happen to you or anyone else.

    I left a message for Raziel to help you out on your work. Hopefully, he can do better to help you and calm you down than I can.

    I wish I can help, but Psychology is a topic I get easily confused in. Same with Spanish. Sorry.

    Raziel assisted, but since he knows shit I don't know and will probably will never even ****ing care to know about, it'll be hard as **** to do.

    Example: He just sent me this Idk wtf this is:

    I don't know anything in this study. I should have just stuck to writing and drawing, nothing to complicated like government or that bullshit.

    I feel sad when I try to do my work in class, and then I figure out all I've TRIED is a D or F. Seriously. I'm hanging on some ****ing D's that'll most likely be F's in the first marking period's report cards.

    Psychology? HAH! I can't even understand a ****ing webquest!


    Step 2. Write a one page paper in which you contrast "the experiment" with other methods of primary research used in Psychology. The cryptic "other methods" are "survey questionnaire", "naturalistic observation", "case study", and "correlational research."

    WTF IS A CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH?! WTF does it do? Honestly. I have no ****ing remembrance of these terms or even wtf they do. I just can't seem to remember the 1001 terms we have just learned in the first three chapters. This is too much. I can't understand, remember, or even think about this shit since I get un-interested and I just want to ****ing bash my head until its nothing more.


    Become familiar with the ethical issues in experiments by reviewing the ethical standards in the APA ethics code
    American Psychological Association ethics page (especially section 6)

    Wow. I'll read:

    ... by ****ing next Monday! BULLSHIT!

    A worthless project that'll take make months to complete... A ****ING 140 point project that'll be HALF CREDIT on Monday! TOTAL BULLSHIT!



    Spanish ain't even easier. We had to study about 84 phrases last week and guess the **** what? I don't know what the **** about 40 or so of them mean!!



    God I feel very shitty.