E3 offers peek at Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii

  • As you all know, the E3 convention has come, from May 8-12, and as this past year has been hectic with Zelda news, they have decided to show a peek of the legendary upcoming game....on the Nintendo Wii.
    The Wii version of the game, as you all know, is going to take advantage of the Wii's new motion sensor technology in the controller and such. It seems like a very good idea, being as most of the new games features will be in need of a controller like this. To show you where you are pointing, an annoying fairy once again returns to follow your controller point and show you where you are, so it might not be AS annoying. Of course, the bow and arrow function will use the Controller, however, the controller wont work in ways you expected. You can see this and other video footage at http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/the…elda/media.html . It's going to be great, and Wii want Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, am I right?

  • you rock mage. ive been checking out the e3 also and twilight princess looks incredible!! im glad that they finally updated links look, and that the graffix engine is big enough to handle the load. finally! a link for adults to enjoy also *not that we dont enjoy the old link, but i think nintendo has been in the childs game business for soooo long its nice to see them working on a change for more serious gamers as well*.

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom