video game violence

  • with all the controversy surrounding this topic its a shame that this question hasnt been posed before on this site.

    do you think that violence in video games is responsable for the actions of some people?

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • I know it's not. There has been a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania that states that Video game violence has no strong link to real time aggression. :-_-

  • im going to play devils advocate here and say that study environments are controlled groups of people. while they may not have succumbed to the violent game play, they certainly are not indicative of the general populace. since i didnt read the article itself i have no way of knowing how many controlled groups there were, how many people were in each group and which types of game each control group was subjected to. without this information it would be impossable for me to make an accurate statement on whether or not what you said would be deemed as valuable information on the topic.

    that being said, simply because one university does one study does not indicate to me *and shouldnt to anyone else* the falsity or truthfulness of the question at hand. it would take a lot more than one universitys findings for me to have solid evidence in either direction.

    i suppose i should have said "in your opinion, do you think that video game violence is responsable for some peoples actions".

    personally, i think they might; but the person in question would already have to be mentally unstable to begin with. im not saying that video games are at fault, but in that scenario i could see how it might push an already mentally screwed up individual to do a criminal activity; do you agree with that?

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • Well, You can't blame entirely a videogame.

    IMO Videogames are just like TV, Computers, and stuff, is a medium, a tool taht can have good and bad things depending on what you look for on them. So a kid playing a game not suitable for his age is a bad as seeing this same violent movie or getting into bad sites on internet, of course what he see will affect his or her behavior, as this kind of stuff marks a deep impact on them.

    Must of them got labels, wheter is a site a movie or a videogame, they all have ratings. Of course taht doesn't take out the risk of kids lying their hands on such stuff, but i think here the fault doesn't go taht much on taht stuff as it goes into the careless people around the kid.

    I'll post more later, is kind of late right now.


  • i completely agree with that. kids are ignored...its the parents that are at fault for the kids behavior totally.

    BUT on the other hand; one day i was playing gta san andreas and stealing cars, doing stunts and i had to go to the store for something. so i get in my car and im driving and im thinking WOOHOO i gotta get up there like a maniac and i know it was due to just coming off the adrenaline rush the game had given me so i do think that under certain circumstances games give you a rush that lasts for awhile. its still no reason to go out and commit violence but im pretty level headed and it did effect me to a degree. a kid at 10 or 12 whos ignored already, well....i could see how they would be bored enough and hopped up on adrenaline just gives them more ammo to an already messed up mind.

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom