cell phone surveillence

  • got a cell phone? beware what you say on it. the US government has been tracking millions of ordinary citizens and recording their cell phone conversations. you can find the article on it at cnn.com.

    what do you think? is this ethical treatment of citizens to be recorded without their consent or knowledge or is it ok to do because of the terrorist threat?

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • they probobly are....well maybe not the US but your government probobly is. the london bombings last year would give them plenty of reason if they wanted to help stop the terrorist threat.

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • Well, actually, they are not really conducting a full survey of all calls. They only keep a record of calls. If there is a recurring pattern or unusual activity, then and only then will they begin listening in on the call. As a US citizen, you don't need to worry about someone listening to your phone call. This is because they aren't. :lol

    Edited once, last by Roger Aalenfae (May 23, 2006 at 8:56 PM).