• :=p school's computers are so slow.
    I remember my frustration with them
    heck, I always had somenthing like a GB Color game to play with while it loaded, just to click a link and play again till it loaded the page and... you get my point.

    Usually I was frustrated because we had specially crappy ones, they were of little help in emergency, heck, for offline works, it was dangerous, you never could guess when word would close on you,when your floppy disk would not be read anymore, and why floppies? because they were lazy to upgrade good ones that could be able to recognize USB, and the user usually don't have the whole frigging day to hope a 2 or 3 hours plugin will sucessfully download to the pc, so since must of teh time we were in a hurry , floppy was the way to go...

    whatever, slow computers plus slow modems... xD


  • yeah, its a complete pain...they probobly still have the 64mb system :lol

    i did change from IE browser to Firefox and it did make a difference...but i think it also has to do with which kind of *hmmm whatcha call those things?* modem youre using? like cable or satallite dsl or broadband...mine sucks even if it is satallite. it sometimes takes pages a bazillion years to load and when they finally do its only halfway.
    they dont give enough money to schools, still, even if it takes forever to load youve got 45 minutes to wait for it to attrempt to while you play video games LOL!

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom