Dragon Ball Online

  • Booyah! I was hoping they'd make something like this!

    And I have a feeling it might come out for the 360.
    I'm just glad they made it an option for you to be a kid and not force it on you, but I wonder if you can choose to be good or evil. (Most likely)

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Ive never gotten into the dragon ball zero series

    this game looks pretty decent though.

    is it a fighting game or more of an RPG

  • Hmm, interesting. It kind of reminds me of World of Warcraft... at least with the layout of the stats and things at the bottom of the screen(s), and also the health bars. I'm sure a lot of MMORPGs use that type of style, though.

    I probably won't get it until I hear if it's any good... but it looks interesting nonetheless.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.