Twilight Princess, Timed Challange.

  • Playing on my Gamecube with only three hearts to see how fast I can get through the game without reseting.

    So far I'm at the Temple of Time and I'm off to fight Armoghoma and after her, Argorok.

  • Quote from goombastic

    You so crazy. I can never complete a game of Zelda without getting all the hearts. I've tried to do it before, but I'm just addicted to collecting heart pieces.

    Nope. I know where all the pieces are and so I avoid them. I have once collected one on that file.

  • Not bad, I might try it myself when I have some spare time. I used to try the Three-Heart Challenge on OoT & MM, was pretty difficult but provided a good amount of challenge and frustration I might add.

  • Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    Meh, 3 heart challenges were harder when I was littler. Now, they don't add any difficulty to the game at all for me, since the AI in Zelda games is virtually retarded most of the time =P

    It's not retarded, it's just that we are getting too good. Were like superhumans when it comes to Zelda.

    Anyway, this really isn't a timed challenge its a 3 heart challenge. Just throwing it out there n_n

  • Quote from mortuaries

    I can finish the game in under 20 hours easy enough

    but i tried getting to temple of time in under 10 hours and thats really challenging
    im not sure how you even did that shrukan but good job!

    Holy monkey I was doing a speed run on TP and i got to the Temple of Time at 8:43(8 hrs 43 min) and i thought i was going too slow so i stopped. *turns on wii*

  • Quote from mortuaries

    I can finish the game in under 20 hours easy enough

    but i tried getting to temple of time in under 10 hours and thats really challenging
    im not sure how you even did that shrukan but good job!

    Its simple to do.

    @ Zeypher: Actually I made it a 3-Heart challange, and a timed Challange. I wanted to see how fast I can get through the game without using the Master Sword too often, nor getting piece of hearts.