
  • A cross between OoT Mirror Sheild and WW Mirror Sheild.
    Wait. I forget, Can someone find a pic of WW Mirror Sheild.

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • This work?

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Yes, I think I'll go w/ OoT, I just like it's design. It's more useful and it's bigger

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • You guys are lame! Lol, how can you not see that the WW Mirror shield is the best? Its fact.

  • That's your opinon. I like it cause it more useful ;)

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • I agree it's simply your opinion...

    Hylian Shield TP wins second best vote... but I can't show that XD

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Quote from Wild Cucco

    I agree it's simply your opinion...

    Hylian Shield TP wins second best vote... but I can't show that XD

    I know that I'm a very opiniated person, and i admit it.

  • My vote went to the TP Hylian Shield.
    I found it nicely constructed, and a bit more worked into detail.
    It's also the only shield in the entire Zelda series that is the strongest one
    in a game.

  • Quote from DarkenedCourage

    TP Hylian shield was my favorite. I liked its worn look that wasn't shiny. @_@... my eyes...

    Yeah that was one thing that i didn't like about the mirror shield, even though the shineyness is cool, it hurts your eyes.

  • Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    How come no one likes WW mirroshield.

    I would... but I haven't played enough Zelda games to give an unbiased judgment.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Quote from Steelia

    I would... but I haven't played enough Zelda games to give an unbiased judgment.

    Its alright to be biased, I'm biased.. I think.

  • For me, it's a tough one between OoT and WW mirror shields. Both were very shiny; one was red and one was blue.

    But I'll vote for WW, just to give the underdog a chance. ;]


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)