
  • Which was your favorite Shield? 0

    1. OoT Deku Shield (0) 0%
    2. OoT Hylian Shield (0) 0%
    3. OoT Mirror Shield (0) 0%
    4. MM Hero's Shield (0) 0%
    5. MM Mirror Shield (0) 0%
    6. TP Ordon Shield (0) 0%
    7. TP Wooden Shield (0) 0%
    8. TP Hylian Shield (0) 0%
    9. WW Hero's Shield (0) 0%
    10. WW Mirror Shield (0) 0%

    Which was your favorite Shield?

  • I like the new mirror shield in the new Gamecube version and the Hylian shield

  • Its a tough vote for me between the two mirror shields



    Majoras Mask mirror shield looks pretty scary
    was made a lot more useful though in this game IMO

    I think I'll go for OoT though, I love the red color and the design on the shield

  • Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    I like shiny stuff, so mirror shield....

    okay thats twice you've said mirror shield ;-P

    which one?

  • Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    Windwakers..... even though that wasn't a choice....

    I edited the poll for you :)

    I did like the mirror shield on WW also was definitely one of the nicest shields

  • you have to reset the vote count to let me vote again.. but yeah the mirror shield in WW was kick ass.

  • Quote from Shrukan

    wow that does look nice

    i do love the hylian shield a lot. Mirror shield still wins for me though

  • Thanks Shrukan well my vote is the TP Hylian Shield and the OOT Gamecube version Mirror Shield

  • OoT Mirror Shield rocks and is the best ^^
    XD I like what it can do rather than appearance. Blasting Twinrova was fun >_<

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Quote from Wild Cucco

    OoT Mirror Shield rocks and is the best ^^
    XD I like what it can do rather than appearance. Blasting Twinrova was fun >_<

    Everyone overrates that fight, in my opinion it was some what lame...

  • I always loved the look of the Mirror Shield from OoT, much better looking than the MM and WW one in my opinion. However the first time I saw the Hylian Shield in TP with the more mature looking graphics, I was quite taken by it. But I will always probably stick with the OoT Mirror Shield overall, it was just very nice to look at I like gear that shines, glows or sparkles.