Saddest Parts in Zelda

  • In almost every Zelda, there is a sad part to the story. What are your saddest moments in Zelda?

    *spoilers for those who have yet to play Twilight Princess*

    The end of Twilight Princess.. When Link, Zelda, and Midna were at the Mirror of Twilight. It made me cry, the very first time I saw it, when Midna completely shattered the Mirror of Twilight, thus breaking links from both the Twilight and Light Realms. To this day, everytime I get to that part of the game, I cry hard. Call me over emotional, but I cannot help it...

    [edit]My Saddest Part[/end edit]

    *end spoiler*

    So what are your saddest parts in Zelda?

  • *spoilers for WIND WAKER*

    Probably the most moving Zelda moment I've seen is the Wind Waker ending, when Ganondorf "dies", and when Hyrule is flooded over.
    I just found Ganondorf's death strangely moving. He was only mortal, even though he tried to surpass such meager powers to match that of the gods. It only shows how "human" he really was, and how we are all like him at some points in are lives -- where failure hits us dead-on, when we are so close to victory. And even though his personality was that of a raving lunatic (at the end, anyway), you can't help but feel some kind of sympathy for his loss. So close... so very close.
    And for Hyrule, I was also upset for as the King had to stay down there with his kingdom... Of course, I never really shed any tears for any of it, but I do remember at the very end when it showed Link on his boat, riding away with Tetra and her crew. The lifeless boat. I never realized how I had a liking for it till it was silenced...

    */spoilers for WIND WAKER*

    I always view Wind Waker's ending to be very powerful, somehow. It's why it is my favorite Zelda game... Characterization plays a big part, and it is because of the characterization that you grow attached to them at all. Games would be nothing without it.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • I've got alot of sad moments.

    When you defeat Ganondorf/Ganon and then your in the sky with Zelda. When she sends you back, it made me cry. Then when Navi left, I couldn't stop crying.

    When Miaku died...

    When Aryll gets kidnapped. The look on Link's face nearly sent me into tears. And at the end where the King of Hyrule comminted 'suicide' ....oh man I was crying.

    That one part. The one where Midna was so happy, where she thought she would be in her true form after all that time. I felt so sorry for her.

    The mirror part....pretty sad. Link looked like he really wanted her to stay.

  • Basicly, the end of any loz game. When it says "The end"... i have a huge lust for wanting the story to move on and never stop the story. Knowing that the series will sometime stop... omg, kill me now.

    LoZ: Happy to get it over with
    Aol: Being on the last palace and never finishing the game.
    LA: that is a dream
    OoT:.... the creation of "Hyrule B"
    MM:... Not realy much to say. Maiku died out of courage, he tried to save the eggs. Anju? her marrage was more sweet than sorrow.
    WW:...Link leaves his family.
    FSA: the "the end" screen.
    EDIT: Forgot about TP: The mirror part

    ~[Most perverted '07]~
    ~/<><{[Tywar - Tyna]}><>\~