• Thank you. Thank you. How is everyone? What's going on?

    We are currently trying to incorporate a calendar of of sorts so we can set up events for the community easily. Last time we had an event it was such a hassle to set everything up, so one of our staff asked to incorporate it. Other than that, nothing has been going on except school for me.

    *insert something witty here*

  • Nice to meet you, JayJay! I've been hoping we could get some new members in here, so I'm happy to meet you. Look forward to seeing you around the boards!

    Tell us about yourself so that we can make harsh judgements about your character.

  • We are currently trying to incorporate a calendar of of sorts so we can set up events for the community easily. Last time we had an event it was such a hassle to set everything up, so one of our staff asked to incorporate it. Other than that, nothing has been going on except school for me.

    Nice. What kind of events? Anything I can do to help?

    Nice to meet you, JayJay! I've been hoping we could get some new members in here, so I'm happy to meet you. Look forward to seeing you around the boards!

    Tell us about yourself so that we can make harsh judgements about your character.

    Sweet. Alright, well I work a lot (way too much) and play video games when I'm not busy doing family shtuff. Also am 420 friendly...if that ever even comes up.

    Edited once, last by Kaynil (October 22, 2015 at 9:58 AM).

  • Nice. What kind of events? Anything I can do to help?

    That information is classified by the government. Just kidding, but I really don't know what we are going to set up as far as events in the future go. We could get the community involved in Cards Against Humanity again if we wanted, but I think some of us may want to do something different next time. I have no idea, so we'll just have to wait and see for further updates.

    *insert something witty here*

  • Sweet. Alright, well I work a lot (way too much) and play video games when I'm not busy doing family shtuff. Also am 420 friendly...if that ever even comes up.

    I'm disappointed in you. Please seek help.


    (F'reals though, we got a thread for good drug stories if you've got any.)

    That information is classified by the government. Just kidding, but I really don't know what we are going to set up as far as events in the future go. We could get the community involved in Cards Against Humanity again if we wanted, but I think some of us may want to do something different next time. I have no idea, so we'll just have to wait and see for further updates.

    I will totes run Dungeons and Dragons if people want to do that. We could also figure out if we share any multiplayer PC games and arrange times to play those.

  • I'm disappointed in you. Please seek help.


    (F'reals though, we got a thread for good drug stories if you've got any.)

    I will totes run Dungeons and Dragons if people want to do that. We could also figure out if we share any multiplayer PC games and arrange times to play those.

    Hahaha I probably make more than the suit. There's money to be made more ways than donning a tie and selling your soul lol

    To be honest, I've never played d&d. Not saying I'm against it, just need to be taught.

  • I have a game that you roll characters on, and play it, it is kind of like the Lord of the Rings merged with D&D. It is a text-based RPG. All you need is a browser that supports java applications.

  • You'll have to show me how to do that. I'm much poorer than I'd like to be atm.

    Look into what kind of work is in demand in your area. For a long time college was pushed hard and made out to be the only way to make actual money and because of this the trades have been the affected the most with no one new blood coming in. With that being said, within the next ten years there's going to be a huge demand once all the old guys retire or die. At least that is how it is where I'm at. You may not get you're dream job (very few people do) but you'll make enough money to where you'll be happy outside of work doing what you like/love. I stand by "work should be a means to live, not life"