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How come I made this topic?
Get the title. Simple to play.
How come I made this topic?
Shrukan's edit: Because you can.
Why are you so mean?:P (I will get banned for sure)
Remember to make an answer, then a question, not just one.
Answer: Because Aliens told me to.
Why am I tired?
Answer: Because the prism is floating in a vacuum
Why did I give such a strange answer?
Cause cows moo.
Why am I bored?
Answer: Because hippopotamuses in Zimbabwe are dancing to Trance music
Why is my shoe untied?
Because you steped in a pile of sh/t and triped over your shoe while realizing that you had done so untied them.
Why are people imature?
because you touch yourself at night.
Why is the world going to end?
Because we ate all the blue cheese in the world.
Why do you like sex?
Because its squishy?
What makes a cow moo?
God. (Wait, that isn't a stupid answer...)
Why does the Japanese flag remind me of something that women do?
Because you're a pervert.
Are there snakes on a plane?
It depends if those snakes enjoy eating humans.
Why is the sky blue?
Cause the ground is green, and we all know that green and green doesn't make sense.
Who will win in a match? Chuck Norris or Chuck Norris?
If two Chuck Norris kicks meet, the magnitude of such an impact will be the end of the universe as we know it.
Why do cows produce milk?
because you touch yourself at night.
Pure Grade A comedy XD
Because they do nasty things.
Why does Japan like porn?
Because they have small pen ises.
Do dogs fly?
Depends if you believe in wings. In this case, no XD
Do men get pregnent?
Some men, only in of course, Zimbabwe
Do Chuck Norris's tears really cure cancer?
They Under Estimate The Power Of Toast!