• At school, I am part of an advanced program known as International Baccaulaueate. (IB, not sure if I spelled the B right) Recently, there have been many thoughts and rumors about the students in the IB program, such as myself. These rumors are not good at all. They say that all IB students are know-it-alls with absolutely no life and think that they're better than everyone else. All I have to say to that is:

    YOU LIE!!!

    How dare you make a stereotype of me or anyone based on two people!!! That's completely unreasonable! And you claim that we don't get american history, but we get world history, and we know nothing about american history. What a lie! I actually paid attention in the 7th grade and learned it already! Not to mention I learned 10,000 more things from my parents, the internet, and elementary school! And I do not think that I'm better than everyone else! I follow the rules, not matter what I think of them! I have to wear an ID like a necklace like everyone else, and I do it but I think it's the most pointless thing ever! Not to mention the fact that half of the non-IB students aren't! I do NOT think I'm above the rules! I don't carry some stupid backpack into class! I do not eat in class! When I'm in class I'm always like "Yes, I understand" and stuff but I really can't stand half of my teachers! I hate homework, I don't enjoy it! What kind of idiot actually likes homework anyway!? I don't want to just do work all the time, I want to post here and stay online and sprite and stuff! And they say colleges won't recognize it... that's a lie! There are flipping IB colleges for pete's sake! How the hell would they have not heard of it yet?!

    Even I, myself, alone, am stereotyped by the way I act, hell, I'm even stereotyped how I look! Everyone thinks I'm Mr. imsosmart, but I'm not! I can't find 20 literary devices per chapter! I don't understand every word in that college-level history textbook!

    ...I hope in the future such people are not so naive.

    (I'm really sorry you had to put up with that... it's rare I'm so enraged that I can do that... thanks for putting up with it...)

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Its alright, actualy. You used a '!' in almost every sentence >.>

    For some reason, I never hear much about rumors or gossip, myself. You see, I don't 'get out' much. I never really care to talk to anyone besides my friends, and definatly the girls. God >.< You don't want to hear about that. But I also hear about these insults and it also pisses me off. Even if its not towards me. I like how everyone is different, it gives us time to find our soul match, its healty for you. But people just point and laugh. Its funny how they are increadibly bad people and they end up being drug dealers, porn stars, and all those things and end up being rich. They don't deserve it at all D:

    ~[Most perverted '07]~
    ~/<><{[Tywar - Tyna]}><>\~

  • Well, I never saw you as a know-it-all or a smartypants really. I always saw you as I see any member.

    Respectful, knows what he's doing, and just be's himself.

    In my opinion, people just say that just so that they feel better about themselves. >>

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Ai, I myself hate yet am a victim of stereotyping...I live in Canada...let's just clear things up:

    -Our hats are funny? You guys came up woth the Beer Cap...wierdest hat in history
    -NOBODY lives in igloos
    -Our money is not monopoly money, it's just colorful, unlike american dull green
    -It's not winter here 90% of the year. We get all 4 seasons, and summer get's pretty damn hot...roads back home melt tires constantly
    -We're not all tolerant...I myself am a complete a$$ at times.
    -There are alot of Canadians who know more about American History than some Americans do...I don't know why...
    -We don't keep bears or beavers as pets...we keep dogs, cats and goldfish
    -Blubber isn`t food
    -Our military is a peacekeeping one because the UN says so
    -We do`nt say "?boot"...you wear those on your feet...
    -Our population is relatively large on a world-wide scale


    -So what if we eat tons of Mac And Cheese? have you ever been a college student?


  • Haha! That post actually made me lol, Caliburn. It certainly cleared some things up! (just kidding, heh)

    Stereotypes will always exist... It makes it easier for people to create a first impression. I myself dislike first impressions/stereotypes. Because most of the time, they're false.

    In grade school I used to be the lonely guy, I had few social contacts and I was scared of girls (I know... >_<). People started picking on me. And well, it started to tick me off. Well after a few years of this BS I decided to change. I started talking with more people I didn't know and I quit playing the victim role. It did work, but sadly, I can't change the past.

    Once you actually get to know the people that give you a certain title, they'll most likely change it. I really wish I could change the past... But alas, like I said, I can't.

    Also, venting your anger onto those who pick on you only makes things worse. Believe me...

    Need help with anything? Feel free to PM me.