• -Name: Nean

    -Age: 17

    -Gender: Male

    -Race: Human

    -Height: 6;0

    -Weight: 160

    -Armor: Leather armor made by local black smith, consists of Greaves, cuirass, boots, pauldrons, and a helmet.

    -Weapons: A short sword

    -Physical Attacks: Sword fighting.

    -Magical attacks: Telekinises, for short periods of times, he can move stuff with his mind, and/or influence someones decisions, only to minor extents, and for a short while. (SP?)

    -Weakness: when angered, he tends to be over confident, and unable to concentrate, he has some arthiritis.

    -Appearance: Tall and skinny, taking the appearance of a normal farmer, only he has telekenitic powers, he dresses and acts normally.

    -Personality: Kind, imaginative, and Calm. He tends not to say more than needed, though he does have a weakness for boasting.

    -History/Bio: Nean was born in the wilderness of Ordon forest, he lived with his parents, his mom and dad, until they were both killed when he was at a young age, he then set out for Castle town, a city of dreams, that he had heard of from his parents many times, he never made it, instead he went back and lived in ordon village, being apprenticed by the Local Blacksmith, there he had food, weapons, and a place to stay, he became familair with the rest of the town, and was soon just much a part of the village as the rest of the people. there he worked all day in the hot forges, making armor, and practicing swordsmanship, he also developed some Telekinetic powers, which he thinks may have something to do with the death of his parents. His parents were slaughtered by a group of bandits, however he fears it may run deeper than that, and he may be the next target, he then moved up to Snowpeak on his own, where he could live in peace and train., practicing swordsmanship and his Telekinetic powers, he has been planning on investigating the murders of his parents, and finding out the truth behind they're deaths, his perception of right and wrong is off, and all that matters to him, is what can benefit him or his friends.

    Not here anymore - Mr. Goron.