I've been trying to tell people that this is impossible. If there was such a think as time travel, how come nobody has come from the future, to the past and actualy show themselfs? This tells everyone that there will never be any way of going back in forth between time. Also, I severely doubt that we will have enough element resourses like iron or any alloy. The world is getting dried out these days. Alot of polution because we're too lazy to get money and buy something that is'nt gas, oil, all this crap that is making the world die and lose it's atmosphereic/magnetic field.
Also with religion, I personaly think that if there was such a thing as time travel, religion would be same throughout the land. What I think is that someone might have done something to access somekind of time shifting device (If there is one), and destroyed some religion and made a global religion. Maybe... something like Hitler did.
But tell me your opinion on the theroy or any other theroy you may want to add to this.