• Nintendo Community, also referred to as NCommunity; is a new ZetaBoards forum looking for members. While NCommunity is a Nintendo forum, we also offer ZetaBoards scripts created by Viral Dragon, an administrator on NCommunity, Role Playing areas, general discussion forums, and a graphics school.

    Currently, we've reached almost 200 posts (193 at the time of posting this) just by being open two days! Come join us at Nintendo Community.


    Formerly known as Aronath


    [27-12, 19:11] Spiff: It's not snow, it's site dandruff btw

  • Well, recently we have reached over 700 posts. The current staff is as follows.




    Viral Dragon

    +Community Team(Global Moderator):

    Celestial Link



    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.