Invitation to participate in a short survey about BOTW 2 (hosted by University of Antwerp, Belgium)

  • [NOTE: This post was approved by the moderators. Also, we apologize in advance for any cross-postings with other forums!]

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Rowan Daneels, and I am a games researcher at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. For a study on the upcoming game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, I’m collaborating with Dr. Daniel Possler from Hanover University (Germany) and Dr. Nick Bowman from Texas Tech University (USA). With the three of us, we’re conducting an online survey on people’s expectations and motivations to play BOTW 2.

    In order to participate, you must be 18 years or older. We will host a drawing with ten $50/€50 Amazon gift cards to divide randomly amongst all participants who complete the survey. We expect that the survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Furthermore, no personal identifying information will be asked, except for email addresses to contact participants regarding the gift cards (these will be stored separately from your answers, and will only be used to contact you when you have won). Finally, we are not affiliated with any developers of the game: the results will be used for scholarly purposes only.

    The online survey, as well as details on the survey, can be found at:

    Happy to answer any questions about the study, here or via email (

    We’ll also share our study results once available (probably around December ’21 or early ‘22).

    Thanks in advance for your participation; really excited to read all the survey responses!

  • Kyde September 24, 2021 at 8:00 AM

    Approved the thread.
  • I took the survey. I think it was kind of trying to figure out if I was a psycho or sociopath.....Some questions about my every day escape or enlightenment lol.

  • Small update: as we received an amazing amount of responses, we already decided to close the survey. We might relaunch our survey in the future or do a similar follow-up questionnaire. If anyone's interested in that, you can leave your email using the existing survey link (which will only be used to contact you for future studies) and we can directly send a link.

    Thanks again for helping us in our study!

  • Hello everyone,

    Some time back, we invited members of this forum to take a survey on gaming motivations for a research project which was a collaboration between myself (Rowan Daneels, University of Antwerp, Belgium), prof. dr. Nick Bowman (Texas Tech U, USA) and dr. Daniel Possler (IJK Hannover, Germany). We focused on several upcoming (at that time) games, including Breath of the Wild 2.

    We received more than 1000 valid responses to the survey and now, we're pleased to share those results with everyone. If you follow the following URL to the safe open science platform OSF (…cfdfa8767f724ce) you will see a file called "Executive Summary | Eudaimonic Gaming Motivations survey.pdf." In that file, we included a short overview of our results.

    Enjoy, and feel free to chat more about them. Apologies in advance if we're slow to engage the chat in here, and if needed, you can contact me at

    On behalf of our research team, please know that we really appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts with us. Game on. =)
