• I'm curious how they intend to distribute this technology. Unless every printer on the market uses this tech, why wouldn't people just buy printers that don't have this tech installed? No one is going to arbitrarily choose to limit themselves. Particularly by giving printers (already justifiably regarded as the most cantankerous part of a computer system) one more reason to fail.

    Which is to say nothing of copyrighted material that I have the right to print. Such as pdfs that I bought.

  • I'm curious how they intend to distribute this technology. Unless every printer on the market uses this tech, why wouldn't people just buy printers that don't have this tech installed? No one is going to arbitrarily choose to limit themselves. Particularly by giving printers (already justifiably regarded as the most cantankerous part of a computer system) one more reason to fail.

    Which is to say nothing of copyrighted material that I have the right to print. Such as pdfs that I bought.

    Right not to mention, how many people that do pirate books actually print the entire thing out? I've done it in the past and considered printing them but then realize its obscene waste of money and counter active to the reason I pirated it in the first place.


  • From the diagram shown. It seems to be a white and black approach. Either you give a positive result or not.

    This means that for example printing a book that allows it might get the whole thing cancelled if it included an excerpt from another book attached to the system as prohibited. You could have paid for the book. That it was made before this system means squat. I doubt you will be able to prove purchases for old material.

    It would be better to analyse the amount of matched data. If we're allowed to cite a certain percent of a work in our own writings, that should be taken in account at the time of printing. You need to cite copyrighted material so you are, you know, not trying to claim it as your own but actually send people to the source.

    Anyway, from that preliminary look it looks really bad. I agree with LS, if people can avoid it they will probably will.