• Assassin's Creed. It's 1191, and a group of Muslim warriors form a group of killers. The game, in itself, is quite historically correct, as it's right after the Christian conquest of Acre. The game lets you play as a man named Altair, a lone muslim assassin who sacrificed his ring and pinky finger to hold a wonderful springloaded wrist blade. It's extremely realistic, as the historic accuracy points out, and its a Sandbox. Sandbox meaning you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, in an open ended environment. So let's recap. You are a badass assassin in white with a wrist blade, able to go on buildings and kill people at your pleasure. Can it get better? you better hope it can. The team of now over 100 (which was the minimal number for this game) has made it so every movement is realistic. every jump, run, slash, and dice will send shivers down your spine. The graphics, in itself, are simply amazing. You will find yourself staring at the opening scene, then bashing away at enemies in the first wonderful fight. Not only that, but its a Playstation 3 EXCLUSIVE....title.

  • well that figures! the ps3 is going for 500 bux *one without memory cards holes, but hey, you can buy those for it!* or one for 600 bux...which to me, is outrageous.
    its to much money and its to bad too really.
    whats happening is they come out with a new system, dont test it, barely get it on the market, make a few decent games for it *and a bunch of worhtless trash that nobody wants* then go for another higher priced system in the making to come out a few years later. its complete rubbish.
    i refuse to buy the ps3 but this game sounds awesome.

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • actually...the ps3 is widely known to be coming up with some really good games for release (one can name a few, but Fight Night round 3, and Burnout are a couple). And they did, in fact test it. They tested it, delayed it, remade it, tested again, delayed it again due to blu ray issues, tested it again, had a bad controller, made a new one, repriced it, tested it again, and now they're satisfied. so it should be arriving in stores in November. and speaking of which, its the only system capable of handling HD DVDs. it's also the only game system that doesnt need encoding on foreign games. it's way worth it.

  • then my information must be faulty. i asked the game guys at the store, they know their shit usually. i still think 600 bux is to much money. i paid 400 for my 360 and thought that price was too high also.
    im not saying that the ps3 wont be an awesome piece of machinary, certainly it will be. im just saying that its to high a cost to pay for only a few really great games. time will tell though. i hope im completely wrong about it, and thanks for giving me the down low!

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • This system is not a piece of crap. if it was a piece of crap there wouldn't be tons of reserves already...and most people say that about the xbox 360, but what happened? it turned out a success, shortly followed by factory sortages because microsoft is dumb. What will happen to the ps3? anyone who has the money will by it, there are already reserves, and sony is planning to ship over 1 million copies each month. Don't say its a piece of crap unless you have a good reason.