Nintendo NX might not be as powerful as the PS4

  • Here's a video explaining it:

    And here's the article:…s_playstation_4

    So the rumour is that NX won't be as powerful as PS4. Does anyone care?

    I'm not really sure if I do or not, all I want is Nintendo to bring in the 3rd party devs, and make a powerful enough console to do that. If the rumour is true, which yes a part of me hopes it isn't: Nintendo, please don't screw up the marketing for the NX, and please make it easy for devs to develop for.

    It makes me sad, because I know Nintendo wants to innovate always, but they won't last forever, as much money as they have, it'll run out if they don't accept the times have changed.


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  • Nintendo is doing a lot of fucky shit right now that may or may not lead to them eventually falling out of the gaming market.

    But from a technical standpoint, they're currently the only company that actually offers anything of unique value to the consumer. For the most part, any decent PC can almost completely replace a PS4 or XBox One. Those two consoles are just PCs in fancy cases with proprietary operating systems. For 90% of releases, pick one of those three platforms and you're good to go.

    Nintendo tends to have more exclusive games, and experiment with hardware in a way that nobody else does. As much as I hate to play games with the wiimote, it's a different kind of experience that nobody else can match.

  • Nintendo is doing a lot of fucky shit right now that may or may not lead to them eventually falling out of the gaming market.

    But from a technical standpoint, they're currently the only company that actually offers anything of unique value to the consumer. For the most part, any decent PC can almost completely replace a PS4 or XBox One. Those two consoles are just PCs in fancy cases with proprietary operating systems. For 90% of releases, pick one of those three platforms and you're good to go.

    Nintendo tends to have more exclusive games, and experiment with hardware in a way that nobody else does. As much as I hate to play games with the wiimote, it's a different kind of experience that nobody else can match.

    The only thing Nintendo has been doing is making remakes of videos games because their new ideas suck. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make a COMPLETELY new WALKTHROUGH of the SAME GAME for NEW KIDS... because they DON'T KNOW THE FREAKIN THINGS ANYMORE.

    Ugh.. sorry had to get that out of my system, Regardless of that, yes.. I fully agree.. Nintendo just isn't doing so good after the Nintendo Wii.

  • Honestly, Nintendo's decisions have been questionable going all the way back to the Super Nintendo, where they steered hard away from "adult" material like blood and violence. Since the growth of the VG market was mostly among teens and young adults, that meant Nintendo was starting from a position of weakness all the way back in the mid 90s. It only got worse from there. The N64 insisted on using cartridges and had that god-awful controller. And the gamecube was a joke. And all the while, third party support was dropping off.

    And yes, the constant stream of Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon games is not doing Nintendo any favors. They've been alienating third party developers for years, and they don't seem to care that their game library is quickly becoming an inbred mess of iconic characters from 25 years ago.

    I wish they would focus seriously on developing some new IPs.

  • The N64 insisted on using cartridges and had that god-awful controller.

    :'( *grabs his N64 and runs away into the neighbouring field*

    In seriousness, I love my Wii U as a console. It just came out at the wrong time for Nintendo to make good money from it. That was a mistake.

    If they made a console that could play their first party games, as well as could easily port third party games, they'd be swimming in it. It's like they don't want to make more money, as if they're content on struggling to make profit.

    I don't want to see Nintendo go, because as I said, their consoles AND games are superb and timeless. However, their marketing team and whoever keeps coming up with these gimmicks need to reassess their current strategy, because it's just not making money. Unfortunately, as much as it pains me, if they don't keep up with today's market, they will go under.

    As I said, they don't have to change their first party titles, not one bit. We don't need an ultra realistic Zelda, or whatever. We need them to innovate in their game design, not add gimmicks to their hardware in hopes they'll "revolutionize" the way gamers play. Gamers don't want to change the way they play, they just want to play games and good games. Nintendo make good games, and they used to revolutionise game design, with Super Mario 64 and even the first Super Mario Bros. They didn't need gimmicks, they just had hardware that could run the latest or close enough to the latest tech to appeal to third parties. They used that tech to develop and make changes in the games themselves. If they went back to this strategy, I swear they'll be top again. If they made a console where people can get Mario, Zelda, Metroid, as well as GTA VI or CoD *eye roll*, everybody wins and they'd be raking it in.

    The way they're going now though, it makes me very depressed. I have no interest in the PS4 or XBone, I'll get a PS4 only because I like their exclusives better. They pretty much just upgrade their hardware console to console and don't really change anything. If they try to change things, it fails. Nintendo have balls at least to try to create new things, which is why it'll be sad sad sad time if they go down as a business. So they need to rethink their strategies and place their changes into game design, not gimmicks.


    SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel for a variety of skits and gaming

  • I don't care much for the NX rumours at this stage, so i guess I don't really care. Off the bat, it sounds more like the classic expectations turn into rumours that anything else.
    Even if it is truth, I bet that it won't be by much. They did the same rumour about the Wii U.

    With this said, I gotta agree with the sentiment that they need to develop new IPs, make things easier for third parties to develop and convert, as well as going back to focuss in how a game bring something new instead of how to make a controller that brings something different.... and drop the "Wii".

  • :'( *grabs his N64 and runs away into the neighbouring field*

    Don't get me wrong. I like the N64. I have no personal problem with the controller. But the controller was poorly designed. When people look at any other controller, they can instantly see exactly how it works. When people look at an N64 controller for the first time, they're just confused.

    Perhaps the controller's design might have been justified if you ever actually needed to use the left handle. But aside from a handful of games no one cared about, that didn't really happen.

  • Don't get me wrong. I like the N64. I have no personal problem with the controller. But the controller was poorly designed. When people look at any other controller, they can instantly see exactly how it works. When people look at an N64 controller for the first time, they're just confused.

    Perhaps the controller's design might have been justified if you ever actually needed to use the left handle. But aside from a handful of games no one cared about, that didn't really happen.

    Well, the N64 has two uses, which is why it has a middle handle and a Z button in the back of it. You can hold it from the middle and right side of the controller. (Mostly used for Smash bros, Zelda Titles, Mario 64, Star Fox, and such.) However there was also a D-Pad to the left, which you rarely ever used and the only popular game you ever used it in was Kirby's Crystal Shards.

  • personally I love the Nintendo 2DS. they shouldhave concentrated on making more games for that rather than jumping ship and bringing in the Switch. I'm dying to get a Switch, though, because one of the first game boy games I ever played was remade for it: Zelda Links Awakening. I'm also dying to try Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu