The Legend of Zelda: Precedent Recollections

  • This is my second Zelda Fan-Fic, and I really prefer this one over the older one. This will be placed on Zelda Temple. Thanks to Dark Link for the the name.

    The Legend of Zelda: Precedent Recollections


    I took my blade at hand, and placed it upon the wall of my past. All the battles I raged in. All the battles in which I fought for the peace of Hyrule... All of it, in my past, sleeping, awaiting its rebirth, in which I locked away deep within a chest... The chest of my memories...

    Yes. My name is Link. I am the very hero spoke in Hylian lore of a young kid who slew a mighty king. I am the very Hero of Time all legends speak of. But now, I am nothing more than a knight... A knight who patrols Hyrules vast kingdom in order to maintain peace and order. However, I put down my sword due to the very fact there was peace... There was no monsters ravaging villages nor a mad man roaming the lands for the Triforce... All was quiet...

    I had left at around the age of ten to find my dear old friend Navi... While I searched high and low for her, she simply had disappeared. It was like she was never there, nor was she even born. Like she was nothing more than a simple speck of dust in my mind... An invisible, yet noticeable speck that sometimes comes back to haunt me in my dreams even now that I am twenty...

    I stood there, before the fireplace of my home, staring at that blade.. Yes... That blade... The blade the Royal family presented to me at seventeen. It was a simple blade, no more than a yard long and made completely of hard steel. The handle which to grasp was wrapped in a red cloth for easier grip. The actual blade part of the sword was shining under the sunny skies of that day.

    That day, I became a knight by Daphnes Hyrule, the King of Hyrule. He touched his blade across my left and right shoulders as I knelt before him, my right arm raised to my chest as a sign that I would forever serve the Royal Family. There I sworn to uphold the peace, even at the cost of my own life.

    I raced through the fields of Hyrule on my horse, Epona. Such a noble steed she was. She carried me to where I wanted, and I thanked her for it. We traveled through fields, woods, and through rivers. All over just to maintain the peace.

    So I sit here tonight... In my own home. Looking at the nighttime sky. The stars seemed to dance just above my head and played with one another. I began to dream while watching these stars. I began to dream about my past, of all the people I met over my adventures while trying to slay an evil king. A King whom named Ganondorf, was trying to search for the Triforce to get the power of the gods who created Hyrule. That very man I slew, was sealed forever inside a realm that he created, never to awake again.

    But something still torments my mind... If there is such a peace... Where is the chaos and destruction? Where is the bloodshed? Without Chaos there is no peace... Something still torments my mind and my sleep, telling me there was something more out there... Something or someone who needed my help...

    "Please hero..." a voice called to me one night. "Please help us..."

    Of course I didn't know the voice too well, but something told me that I once heard it before. Long ago, perhaps, but I do not recall. This voice, pure as crystal bells, continued to torment my sleep. I stood half awake in my bed, looking at the beams of the ceiling, pondering what could be this voice. Who was it? How could they reach me? Why did they need me?

    The next day I took my sword off the wall and put it back in its sheath and grabbed my trusty shield, the very one with the sacred Phoenix on it. I sent a letter to Zelda, telling her I went away to find the "cure" of my dilemma and to find this voice... I knew the King would be furious to know I went against my word of keeping the peace, but what kind of knight would I be if I could not find the source of another land that needed me. Another land with some sort of evil that could spread easily into Hyrule and cause chaos once more, perhaps awakening Ganondorf.

    So I slipped away into the dead of a cold night, only carrying my sword and shield on my back, riding Epona into the darkest corner of Hyrule...

    What does tomorrow hold? Only time can tell...

  • Interesting plot going. I'm not exactly sure what this new threat is, but I'll be leaning on the edge of my seat until then!
    Nicely done. I expect more chapters soon. :)

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • preview:

    Chapter 1- Another Journey

    So I took off that day into the darkest regions of the Hyrules Field. To be covered in darkness, riding on a fine horse, I felt as thought I was some criminal running from the very law that I swore to uphold and in that very sense was that very criminal. To go against swearing to the king was high treason and if figured out soon enough, I would come back to have me hung.

    I tried to keep the thought out of my head by remembering Zelda. That fine girl with all her beauty. A pink dress and a fine golden jewelery multiplied in mind. I could see her. Her sapphire colored eyes looked at me with a sadden look. I knew she would be sad to see me go. But someone, somewhere, was still calling for me.

    It was now mid-day and I finally stopped at the edge of Lake Hylia. I mumbled to myself: "Only a shorter distance to this voice."

    Finally I would meet this voice. This voice clear as crystal bells called me from a distant land called by Hylians as the Land of the Forgotten. This land was where criminals were chased through the Gerudo Desert, caught, hung, tortured... I thought to myself: poor souls..

    Epona stuck her head in the crystal, sparkling water and began to drunk from it. I didn't blame her for it; we had been traveling most of the day. She and I were tired from riding through the fields and hills.

    I layed back and looked up at the sky and thought the adventures I had those 7 years ago. When I pulled up the legendary Master Sword from its sleeping chamber and was sealed within a void called the Sacred Realm; where I would rest for 7 long years, become an adult, and fight against the very man I slew: Ganondorf.

    I gathered my strength back later and climbed onto the saddle and kicked Epona in the sides to tell her to run. She galloped at a quick pace and we headed for the Land of the Forgotten.

    I coughed a few times and pulled my Tunic across my face when the desert sand started to pick up. The desert seemed furious at me and kicked more sand up into me and Epona. We could not continue at that time, and headed back to entrance of the desert.

    Gerudos spotted me at the entrance and charged at me with their spears. I held my hand in front of me and it glew a reddish color, before I yelled and forced my palm forward, releasing a jet of hot orange flames. The Gerudo dodged my attack and stood up, only dumbfounded at my magical attack.

    "My name is Link." They gasped and placed their hands over their mouths. "I am one of the few sworn Knights of Hyrule, and I am here on a mission."

    "A Knight of Hyrule?" A gerudo stepped forward. "What is a Knight doing out here?"
    "A handsome one at that." One pointed out.

    I kept my face straight and spoke softly, but with authority: "I'm on a secret mission for the King of Hyrule: Daphnes Hyrule." I grasped the hilt of my sword incase any of the Gerudos charged at me. "I wish to enter the desert, but I have no way of getting past the sand dunes."

    "One cannot simply just enter the desert.." One of the Gerudos laughed. "The only ones who could enter the desert were Ganondorf and Nabooru... but they have since long been gone..."

    I bit my lip in distaste and opened my mouth to speak: "The King has instructed me to go to the desert and I must get through it! Death to all those who oppose!" I drew my blade out, just to taunt the Gerudo.

    One of them swallowed and shook their head. "The only way to get through the desert is not on a steed like yours..." She clapped her hands and two Gerudo pulled Epona away. "We'll take good care of her... You'll need a Gerudo horse steed to get through the dunes."

    She clapped her hands again, and a new steed was given to me. It was a tall horse, bigger than Epona, stronger and wearing a small mail over its body. It was a black horse with brownish eyest that reminded me of Ganon's horse, but it was gentlier and kinder.

    "This horses's name is Gild. He was supposed to be given to Nabooru, but since she never came back from the Spirit Temple we awaited his new owner."

    I petted the beast on the side and climbed onto his saddle. He was indeed far larger so I felt uncomfortable on him.

    "Will Epona be alright?" I asked.

    "She will." One replied.

    "If she isn't.... I'll kill all you Gerudo!" I shouted. I kicked the beast in the side and continued to the desert.

  • Whoah great i loved, it please write more.. BTW i'm guessing this is OoT time line?

  • Ok thanks. When do you expect chapter two? And how long does this take for you? By the way i like your choice of words.

  • I actually continued Chapter 1, lol. So here is the rest:

    I knew for a fact that you couldn't trust a Gerudo, but what choice did I have? Someone still called from far away, haunting my mind with visions of torture. I could see the walls, covered in a thin layer of blood that reached down to the floor. I tried to shake off the images, but they became more clearer every second. I shut my eyes, trying to raise a barrier to further shield my mind, until finally the images stopped.

    When I opened my eyes, Gild had stopped in front of an oasis, happily drinking from it. I had a canteen at hand and filled it up with water, making sure it was filled almost completely. I didn't know when the next time I would find an oasis or even another water source in the passing days.

    What I realized in the next few hours, was the surprising amount of dead bodies. Everything was ripped from the body, but the bones, which surprisingly in the desert, had no erode into nothingness. Their blank expressions stared into the heavens above and seemed to ask: Why? Why was it me that fell to the power of the desert? I bit my lip and prayed quickly it would not happen to me.

    Nightime came, so I jumped off Gild. I had a spare cloth with me, so I set it on the ground and laid on it. It was an ok cloth, with a few holes here and there, but it kept the sand off my tunic.

    I could hear an awkward silence in the desert, besides the sudden blasts of wind above. It seemed the whole desert was quiet, full of nothing but sand and air. I shook a bit from nervousness but then shrugged it odff, before finally falling asleep.

    * * *

    The next day was no different than the last, besides the fact I saw a large amounts of Lanmolas present. I prehaps landed in some nest; let's hope that they don't attack.

    The lanmolas were a strange animal to me. The were like large armored worms that randomly dug in the desert sand and leapt straight into the air. I knew not why they did, since barely any information of lanmolas were ever recorded.

    Gild was a bit nervous when a lanmola jumped straight at us, so I drew my sword and pushed the lanmola aside; I knew now that was a horrible mistake.

    When I got closer into the center of the nest, which I never noticed, a giant Lanmola come from out of the ground. From head to toe the beast was covered in its own special armor, most likely made from its own growth patterns and days of sand stuck in its slimy body.

    I knew this beast wanted to fight as soon as it hit back underground, moving around in the sand like a shark in water. My sword was ready to strike into the beast before it came back from the ground and flew in mid-air, still going in random directions.

    The beast drew near the horse, so I jumped onto its head and grabbed a hold of a spike that jutted out of it armor. I smiled as I noticed the one weak point in the armor, a small hole about the size of my shield. I drew my sword and struck the beast in that weak point and brought out the sword. What I didn't realize until after, the beast had gone into a rage and burrowed its head back into the ground. I was flown off easily, but I recovered and got back into my steed and awaited the beast.

    My eyes looked around hastily as I tried to find the beast. This time it came from behind, so I back flipped back onto its head and stabbed it in the same area from the first wound. The beast went out of control again and burrowed into the ground. I had jumped back onto Gild before I was flown off.

    When the beast came back up, it ran faster up in the sky. I jumped onto its back and yelled with anger and frustration, and finally slammed my sword once more into its wound.

    The beast yelled in pain and burrowed its head into the sand, causing me to fall over. It came back up again, roaring in pain. I felt somewhat sorry for it, but it was just another beast trying to kill me. It let out its final yell before disappearing through mid-air, leaving a Heart Container in its final resting spot.

    When I picked up the Heart Container, my energy was restored. However, I noticed another little thing that beast left... A small pendant, shattered. I didn't know why it had it, but I sighed and wore it over my neck. Perhaps this pendant will help me find the voice of my dreams? Only time will tell...

  • THAT... was good. Definitely worth waiting since the Prologue.
    I especially like how you made Link's personality in this... It's much darker, more mature. A man on a mission. Heh.

    Looking forward to the next installment(s). :)

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.