FF7 Advent Children

  • This movie.. I've been waiting for it's realease since early 2004. I finally found out the release date a few days ago. You can pre-order the deluxe edition from amazon right now (which I'm doing) and see what the front cover looks like. I'm so excited for it. Does anybody else know anything about it?

  • ive seen the original japanese version *subtitled* awhile ago. the anime is excellent. be prepared to know the story of FF because i couldnt keep up with what was going on and my friend *an avid ff fan* couldnt either.

    i had to read about it after seeing it to get the full story.

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom

  • I already know the whole story. I've beaten the game a few times, and I've been gettting all of the information on AC since 2003. Yeah I know before I said early 2004, but now I realize it was actually mid-2003. So that's 3 years.