i have a couple of books i can recommend that are older but still great.
catcher in the rye: its about a 16 year old in a private school, but he's been kicked out *of more than just this one*. he's a bit of an asshole and he doesnt know it. anyways, the story is about everything that he sees, does and thinks in a short period of time. this book is on the FBI's flag list *if you buy it your name goes to the FBI for some reason that i dont know. for some reason lots of people commit heinous crimes with this book on them than any other book, though i saw nothing in it that would warrent such behavior*. its pretty cool if you can get past his constant ranting about nothing.
1984: george orwell wasnt far from the truth when he wrote this. its about a man *supposed to be in 1984* whos job it is to re-write history. every morning the government wakes him up via video *they do this to everyone*, makes them excersize then go to a "government is good" rally then off to work where he gets every news story ever written, cuts and pastes what the government NOW deems as truth. its about his rebellion towards his oppressive government with a surprise ending.
lord of the flies: this used to be required reading in school, though i dont know if it still is. the story is about a group of military school boys going home on a plane for christmas when their plane goes down and they end up adultless on a deserted island. what happens next is as scary and primitive as it gets. truly a masterpiece and one of my very favorite stories; ever. *the newer movie is fantastic also, creepy!*
rage: stephen king. good luck finding this book as its been deemed 'inappropriate' and king himself took this one off the shelf after columbine *the boys were found with this book on them, causing king *an avid pro book advocate* to pull it from the shelves. its a short story as well and can be found in one of his compilation books. this story is about a disturbed youth calling out about the disfuction of society while holding his peers hostage in school. good read.
one flew over the cuckoos nest: this story is about a convict that could not be kept in prison due to his lack of conformity and ends up in a mental institution with a seriously power hungry nurse who dislikes him greatly and is unfair to the patients. its about his power struggle with this woman, and his inability to conform to his environment. sad story, but powerful.
i'll do more later, but all of these i highly recommend.