I think it's obvoius what happens to the other.
They become Petey's slave. :p
I think it's obvoius what happens to the other.
They become Petey's slave. :p
I think it's obvoius what happens to the other.
They become Petey's slave. :p
I had the worse image when you said that.
Go figure, but I think Zelda is a bit better than Peach.
I had the worse image when you said that.
Hmm, and I thought I was the only one... o_O;;
Super Smash Bros. MOJO shall occupy our time till Monday! XD
I'll beat all of you with Chuck Norris!
^ In a 4-player Brawl-Mojo match, who would win, Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris, or Chuck Norris? :X
In any case... for BRAWL, I hope Sakurai shows us the fate of the other unfreed princess sometime next week. I can't imagine what he has in store.
Well, today's update: An item.
<Superspicy Curry>
Apparently, this item originated from Kirby. If you eat it, you'll not only be able to breathe fire, you'll also be able to pull off other neat stunts.
Sweet. We got a food item now.
XD That sounds neato! I REALLY ned to get a Wii and SSBB! =P
I believe this was first in Kirby Adventure, was it not?
Also, I can't wait to see what Snake looks like with this. XD
Hmm. I wonder if Bowser and Charizard will be able to eat this and have the same side effects, or maybe it will enhance their fire techniques? (Same with Mario, Luigi.)
Why does it seem in every game I play other than Zelda, there is curry...
Double update today.
They showed how to do specials and showed Meta Knight's in the process.
The other was a new AT: the retro Andross. He spits panels at everyone on the stage. Aw, I was hoping for Starfox 64 Andross. Oh well.
Discuss plz
Ha, I KNEW today's update would deal with moves! Just that feeling... as yesterday's was an item, and we recently had music.
Well, anywho, the first: An Assist Trophy.
"Only I have the brains to rule Lylat!" Wait... Isn't that a quote from the N64 Andross?
He spits panels at you, after inhaling! Once again, Wario is no stranger to pain.
Also... How to Play.
<Four Special Move Types>
Today, class, our model will be Meta Knight, as he productively shows off his four special moves.
Sorry for the double post -- It wouldn't allow me to show pictures if I edited the previous.
Well, today's update: The Pokemon Trainer Special Moves (each has omitted one move).
Waterfall, up B
Withdraw, forward B
Bullet Seed, standard B
Vine Whip, side B
Flamethrower, standard B
Rock Smash, side B
Man, Charizard's Rock Smash looks like it could give him brain damage or something. o.O
^ That's what I said. >_<
Today's update: Another How to Play.
Characters like Pit, Meta Knight and the Pok?mon Trainer?s Charizard are envied at first glance for their wings.
Rumor has it they can use those wings to sail through sky like gliders. But that can?t be true, can it?
Yes! First, do a midair jump...
Then, if you continue to hold the Jump button, you'll glide! You can even shift your "nose" so that you can go up or down. It all depends on how fast you are going, however.
The only drawbacks? You can't change direction, and if you stall in midair or you're attacked, your flight will get cancelled. Thanks for flying with us.
Heh, an easy way to commit suicide, it seems. XD
Sounds like a neat feature. Wasn't in the first two Smashes, so I'll play around with this one for a little while when I get Pit, Meta Knight, and Charizard.
Meh. The only reason I like this update a bit is because it features Charizard on the first picture gliding.
This will be awesome. But it'll be tough.
Whoohoo! They added a Warioware stage! I knew they would, I KNEW IT!
I call dibs on this stage!
Well, it's not the most... eh... "magnificently" detailed of stages, but I guess it could work.
It strongly reminds me of Mr. Game 'n Watch's old stage, personally. Maybe because of how flat it looks...
Today's update: A stage.
The actual stage looks something like this, but you have to clear some challenges first before you receive this reward!