Which fragment of the Triforce would you have?

  • Which fragment of the Triforce would you have? 0

    1. Power (0) 0%
    2. Wisdom (0) 0%
    3. Courage (0) 0%

    Power, Courage or Wisdom you decide

  • Wisdom, that way i can plot how to get power and courage :P

  • Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    Wisdom, that way i can plot how to get power and courage :P

    Ha, clever logic although I would settle for Power, power corrupts, power destroys, power errupts and power deploys, oh how I love messing with my enemies like little toys.

  • Quote from Shrukan

    Courage because its Link. As well I have courage to stand up for what is right.

    LOL sounds like that saturday morning cartoon or 4kids anime dub bs =P

    Anyways, wisdom. Why? Because I'm not some evil/dark/emo bs nor am I a goody two shoes. Besides, wisdom can be the truly useful one. Even if your enemy has power, with wisdom, you have basically the best battle tactics in hand.

    Meh, not like it matters. I have all three. Not called the Triforce Master fer nuttin' ;)

  • lol...not even gonna say anything, my username speaks for itself. lol.

  • lol, it gives you the strength to stand up for something you believe in. :P

  • I would have wisdom because I'm not really courageous or powerful XD But I am smart.

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Quote

    lol, it gives you the strength to stand up for something you believe in. :P

    Love those saturday morning cartoon lines... Especially when I'm sitting on my couch eating my box of Zelda-brand cereal with my Zelda bowl and spoon and special Lon Lon milk I bought off eBay =O

    By the way, if you read all that, and saw it for real instead of sarcasm, there is truly no hope for you =P

  • lol yeah I got that from some show...
    * munches on Zelda ceral that i stole from TM3000*

  • Seriously though, first i get Wisdom then i plot how to get power, then i get the courage, so that i may use my power without fear. and then taking over earth comes next.

  • Hmm... This is a tough choice. I'm torn between Power, Courage and Wisdom.

    ...That's not any help. Hmmm... I've always enjoyed Power. But, having the Courage to fight for what's right is good, too. And having some Wisdom, I could rid the world of those annoying cases.

    Maybe I'd go for Wisdom. That's a big "maybe." At least with Wisdom, I could win every argument. I'd become a good lawyer. :)

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Power. I am strong in real life. But because if you had power, you had Wisdom, If you had Wisdom, You have Courage. Think about it for a minute ^_^

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *blinks* Thats the stupidest thing I've heard, I know people who are strong, but are the stupidest people i know, i also know people that are smart, but cowards.

  • What's wrong with you all!!!
    Ganondorf friggin took over the world, and would have succeeded if he didn't do the same predictable moves over and over in the battle w/ Link.
    Instead of plotting for the others, I would freaking blow the owners to oblivion, and steal them.
    / \
    /\ /\
    / \ / \
    /___\/___\ <-- Messed up triforce!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • He uses the same old moves because he's a dumbass. If you had wisdom, you could have the abilities to take down whoever has power because you have the knowledge to make any battle tactics and the capacity to battle well.