How much do you think people care for one another?

  • How much do you think people care for one another? 0

    1. A lot! (0) 0%
    2. Some what (0) 0%
    3. hardly (0) 0%
    4. probably close to nothing. (0) 0%

    How much do you think a person cares for another person? Think about it in your own town. How much do people actually care?

    Is everyone nice, or is everyone always *****ing?

    Just a random question that came to mind.

  • I think somewhat because in close relationships the ones involved care a lot for one another. But in friendships, and not best friends or whatever, just friends I don't think either care as much for each other as they would for a boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, or family member. In my community people look out for each other, but I think in the world that we live in today it's only somewhat.

    East side love is living on the west end.

    In Soumasian: M?verik Ari?n

  • Soon, in the future(3 years) people won't care to help or say hi to a complete stranger.

    If you want this type of sig go to:

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • There are several factors influencing how much a person cares for another, so this thread will not even be as close to universally proving how much people care for each other as everyone think it will. :)

    1) The closeness people have with the other person. In the United States, someone is murdered every 5 seconds. Did you care for the 2 or so people that just lost their lives by the time you read this sentence? Most likely you care that they did die, but you did not care for them in a more literal sense because you never met the person and cannot pass judgment on them...

    On the other hand, imagine you and your mother or father... you love them because of what they've done and stuck with you through out your childhood years to help you grow up (or at least they should)... and then they die. Imagine your emotional response to that - it was far more dramatic than the 8 or so people that have died so far, right?

    I for one, really do care about Amy/Blackwing/Shrukan/Timaeus/name from VGDC that I will not say/Twilight_Link/Hermos. Since I've know her for almost 3 years now, and I understand her personal situations, my emotions towards her are caring for her well-being and praying that she does not get hurt, physically or emotionally, which is what she doesn't deserve...

    2) The nature of the person. Obviously, every person feels differently about situations - someone who's kind-hearted will gladly give money to the homeless or to breast cancer research, etc but some others who are more stoic, won't. Now, this doesn't automatically mean the person who doesn't give money is bad or vice-versa, but it shows what they care about on a priority-based level...

    See, there are other factors influencing how much a person cares for another person, not just a generalized poll, because it is over-simplifying the issue.

    Just thought I'd make this point... :)

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • I believe that people could get to care for each other a lot if they knew each other very well, but since most people don't, I'll just say some what.

    --I'm out of my mind. Please leave a message.--
    --*Hands out hearts to everyone* Be happy--

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • I say Hardly, but it all depends what kind of people your talking about, those who dont like shouting and others and being mean, etc...

    They be selfish to one-another and from there the selfishness just multiplys, and thats where they dont care about anyone else but them selves, and that can also tell you that those kind of people are not quiet and calm... me, I'm a calm an quiet person, and I dont like having someone shout at me or I go :cursing: and kick shit out of them, and show them how selfish I can be if they are to me.

    Selfishness... ...Like a disease you CAN live without... Like Cancer for example...:thumbup1: