In Character thread: Mountains, dead ahead!

  • Well, if you go down this hall here, and take a right and keep going straight, and you'll reach a wall. Run into that wall for me, okay? I'm going to the libary ;)

    *produces a snowball inside the back of his shirt as he walks toward the library*

  • Shrukan walks up to the resort, wearing a light blue parka, which is zipped up fully. He is different than others, considering he was a Scalix, a dragon-human. His eyes were a soft blue, and his hair was a dark red color. His wings on his back were golden, as well as his club hard tail. Besides wearing the parka, he had warm dray gray pants, and two red tennis shoes with two yellow strips on the back on the shoes.

    "I'd like to rent a room for awhile." Shrukan said.

    The manager nodded and smiled. "You came from the ship no?" Shrukan nodded. "Then you don't have to pay. Those on the ship get free service."

    Hmm good. At least I don't have to pay. I'm almost dirt broke...

    "Your room is down the hall, about the 4th room on your right.

    "Thank you."

  • ((Italics are Aronath's thoughts))

    "....Dear Heavens, What happened? I thought I was last on ship from Avalon to a mountain resort, and here I awake on the lonely sands of the shores of uncharted islands."

    Aronath rubbed his eyes, and put on his glasses so that he could clearly survery his surronding. Once looking around, Aronath realized that there was a resort higher up into the mountains, as well as a trail leading to it.

    Perhaps all is not lost, and perhaps what lies ahead is the resort. Only time shall tell.

    After a few minuets of climbing the mountainous trail, Aronath had reached the resort. And took it upon himself to head in.

    "Good day to you Miss. Might I be able to stay here a while?" said Aronath.

    "Of course, Sir. Did you by chance come by ship?" asked the Manager in reply.

    "Indeed I have." said Aronath.

    "Then your room is free, Sir. Here are your keys, as well as a map of the resort. Your room is Number 14 on the second floor." said the Manager

    "Very well, Thank You." said Aronath.

    And with that, Aronath went on his way.

    Formerly known as Aronath


    [27-12, 19:11] Spiff: It's not snow, it's site dandruff btw

  • Shrukan?s room was not the most expensive looking, but he didn?t mind. He took off his parka and placed it on the bed as he jumped onto the bed and rested a bit.

    He felt his stomach a bit, as he realized how much he has changed since the Plague attacked. His body went from being weak and fragile to something strong. His powers also changed, from being unpredictable and dangerous, to strong and controllable.

    He felt slightly cold, as the chimney in the room had not been lit. He stared at it for a second, and it instantly ignited. Satisfied, he continued to rest a bit.

    Prehaps tomorrow I should try to train again. I can?t be slacking off all the time. Not when he can be viewing me now or later.

    Shrukan sat up and walked over to the wall. He placed his swords on the wall so they would stand straight up.

    Rest is needed now.

  • Aronath climbed up the stairway to his room and proceeded in after unlocking the door. While Aronath had a nice looking room; he did not seem to care.

    According to this map, I can proceed down the hallway and find another set of stairs; which lead to the Libary. Their also seems to be a Training Cavern on this map as well. Both of which, I may get some peace in. I shall go to the Libary first, then to the Training Caverns. It's been a long while since I've been this close to knowledge.

    With that, Aronath rested his gear on his bed, and went off with his map in hand. He had a few troubles in finding the Libary Stairwell, but he did evenually find it. Upon decesending down, he saw caught a glimps of the Libary.

    Quite the magnificant collection if I may say so myself. Perhaps I'll be here for longer than I imagened.

    Aronath folded up his map and placed it in his pocket, and then began to search for a book worth while reading, until he came across one called: "Beastary of The Lands".

    This may help me in my travels, should I encounter anything unwanted.

    And so Aronath then sat down, and began reading.

    Formerly known as Aronath


    [27-12, 19:11] Spiff: It's not snow, it's site dandruff btw

  • ((Using Anna, as normal))

    *wakes up in a completely cold enviroment from train*

    Ow... *shivers and sees lodge* I... better go... there before... I freeze. *stands up and walks off to lodge* Uh ma'am? May I check in?

    Manager: Of course you may. *hands key to Anna* There you go.

    [SIGPIC]F:\Documents and Settings\Kids\My Documents\My Pictures\cute guy.jpg[/SIGPIC]:zelda:I'm normal... sort of:tplink:

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • You know, your smarts are the most important thing to you. I suggest you read more often, for it excorsizes your brain.

    *Is reading a book about geomotry*

    *places the book on the table, having finished it's 329 pages in 10 minutes* I'm actually smarter then most humans are...I guess my mind is just stronger...=/

  • *places the book on the table, having finished it's 329 pages in 10 minutes* I'm actually smarter then most humans are...I guess my mind is just stronger...=/

    Well, everyone has their ups and downs... even though you have just way too many advantages. But mostly all humans have some kind of common sense, which theres a difference between these two smarts. It just goes to show ya'... Who know? Someone's planet might get blowed up...


    Hello... Who might you be, my fine sir?...

    ~[Most perverted '07]~
    ~/<><{[Tywar - Tyna]}><>\~

  • Well, everyone has their ups and downs... even though you have just way too many advantages. But mostly all humans have some kind of common sense, which theres a difference between these two smarts. It just goes to show ya'... Who know? Someone's planet might get blowed up...


    Hello... Who might you be, my fine sir?...

    *gaze goes down to ground at the mention of his home before he looks at the person who approached*

    ....hey there. ^_^ Did you just arrive here? *activates his eye invisibly to see that the guy was not full human*

  • @ Tywar: The name is Shrukan Caelestis

    @ X Vitros: I just arrived recently, yes.

    Ah, I see. ^_^ *steps up from his chair and shakes his hand* Good to meet you Shrukan. Go ahead and take my chair, I'll find another. *walks down the series of shelves to find another empty chair*