Basically I say a word and you have to post the first thing that pops into your mind when I say it, like if I said: a red apple
someone else could say "Snow White"
Keep it clean!!
Ill start off with: wedding
Basically I say a word and you have to post the first thing that pops into your mind when I say it, like if I said: a red apple
someone else could say "Snow White"
Keep it clean!!
Ill start off with: wedding
Basically I say a word and you have to post the first thing that pops into your mind when I say it, like if I said: a red apple
someone else could say "Snow White"
Keep it clean!!Ill start off with: wedding
next one : Phoenix Wright
actually I have a better idea, why dont we say the first thing that pops into our mind from the word that the previous poster says comes to his mind from the other word. That was confusing to say... anyways this means that I would have to say wat comes to my mind when you said "church"
which was a priest
lols i used to play something like this with my sister when we was younger,
and she used to think of some funny things,
so you should priest,
i say "catholic"
catholic... First thing tht comes to my head is me
the first thing that comes in my head is
Bomb....!!!! O_o
Sadaam Hussein
Osama Bin Laden
Light Link aka me :tongueup: