Mario Tennis
- Official Post
I never got too much into Tennis, but if I have someone to play with I will definitely get this title and annoy everybody playing as DAISY.
The only girl that takes it seriously enough to wear shorts and skip tights. -
The only Mario Tennis game I've played is Mario Tennis for the Gameboy Color as a young kid. I was around 4 years old, and even though I wasn't playing as a Mario character in the main mode, I still adored the game. I lost the cartridge though, so lel.
I have played a bit of Mario Tennis for the Nintendo 64, but only for a few minutes. I didn't own it, I played it in the lobby of this laser tag place that, sadly, had to shut down earlier this year. That was also the first place I touched an actual NES. And the only time I did. i cri evrytiem.
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