• Hy Everyone,

    I never owned a SEGA but my cousins did so I always got a chance to play sega stuff and yeah when the emulators came out I tried many SEGA games , although I never owned it I found SEGA one step ahead of NES, so anyone here a SEGA fan?

    I think we need a child board for Sega in other games

    Beauty is just the deception of the eye, if I cant see the ugliest and most beautiful are equal

  • I make a big to-do about it, but I never really participated in the old console wars. Everybody I knew was a Nintendo kid. I've played a few SEGA games, but I've never found anything that seemed really very good at all.

    Not saying there isn't anything. I just have no fond memories of the system to speak of.

  • I make a big to-do about it, but I never really participated in the old console wars. Everybody I knew was a Nintendo kid. I've played a few SEGA games, but I've never found anything that seemed really very good at all.

    Not saying there isn't anything. I just have no fond memories of the system to speak of.

    You should play Sonic 2. Basically the best game on the system.

    *insert something witty here*

  • My most favorite game is from SEGA , Shining Force series and also another awesome game Street of Range the best game in 2 players, 2d scroller , beat em up genre , double dragon to me was never equal to street of rage

    I played the game on PC using emulator and loved it and since that have played it so many times that I can't even remember lol

    Beauty is just the deception of the eye, if I cant see the ugliest and most beautiful are equal

  • My most favorite game is from SEGA , Shining Force series and also another awesome game Street of Range the best game in 2 players, 2d scroller , beat em up genre , double dragon to me was never equal to street of rage

    I played the game on PC using emulator and loved it and since that have played it so many times that I can't even remember lol

    Shining Force is fucking amazing. I've only played the first one, though.

    *insert something witty here*

  • Yes indeed it is and yea the first one is also my favorite , you should play the GBA remake version as well its pretty cool and the second installment is also very wonderful I finished it again last month lol

    Beauty is just the deception of the eye, if I cant see the ugliest and most beautiful are equal

  • Only recently I was able to own a SEGA system so i haven't really tried anything.
    I remember the first Sonic but i am sure my friends didn't have the system. Maybe some cousin or neighbbour, I dunno.
    I remember mostly the press start screen.

    I did play all the way through ZeroWing on an emulator. That was a pretty good time.

    I only have one reason for having Zero Wing in my list and I am pretty sure you already know what it is.
    I just wonder how many more fun "transgrantions" you found.