How to Draw TP Link

  • Markcrilley is a guy I like to follow on YT that I enjoy the way he explains how he does things.
    He is clueless about Link, and although he chose TP appearance he doesnt really know much of about the Zelda franchise. This might make some of what he says a bit cringey for some people, but his skill is worthy and I think it really can be of help to get anyone started with how to draw Link.

    This video he does most of the stuff in real time while making some conversation and explaining his choices.
    Below is just a time-lapse of his drawing, so if you don't care for his explanation this is a quick way to see his style for drawing.

  • Cringe worthy? He makes it look so easy.

    I meant his Zelda related comments. I dont really mind it but some people might be bothered by the inaccuracies in his speech. I edited my post to make clear what I meant.

    To b e honest I enjoy the way he talks it feels like a relaxed little chat. [emoji1]

    His drawing skills are excellent, which us why I shared it. It looks almost official.