This is a fairly simple game; You can throw a Character, Item, or Object at the below poster. It's going to be pretty interesting to see what will happen. O.K., lets get this bad boy started.
*Chucks King Dodongo at the below poster*
This is a fairly simple game; You can throw a Character, Item, or Object at the below poster. It's going to be pretty interesting to see what will happen. O.K., lets get this bad boy started.
*Chucks King Dodongo at the below poster*
*tosses Morpheel*
throws master sword
Throws powder keg
throws a fish
Be more descriptive XD a hylian loach or ordon catfish XD
Throws book of mordia because you need to read! jk
Fine! throws a fresh fish
Huh? Can... you do that? *looks through instruction manual* This cant be! * spends months in my lab makeing a formula* *pours on head* *hair grows hair* What can it be?! *Looks at thread title* oh...
*Throws Zelda!*
Fresh fish, the bottled fish whatever. *throws jabun*
Duh... *throws megaton hammer!*
Throws a bug
^ ouch XD
*throws biggoron* :D
throws boomerang
*throws shadow temple* O_o
Throws hyrule
*throws my knoledge of zelda(whole lot!)*
*throws Link*
*Throws Bomchu*
*throws navi*
take that bitch!
^ you bast... ikk kill you! *cries*
*Throws the Din, Nayru, and Farore*