*throws a bowl of Lucky Charms...
without any milk*
*throws a bowl of Lucky Charms...
without any milk*
*Throws Bart*
*throws Leeroy Jenkins*
*throws a redead*
*Throws a dodongo with a bomb in it, but it explodes in mid-air*
*throws whatever is left of the exploded dodongo*
Throws a musical note♪
throw a pokeball
*throws a cucco*
throws a sock
*throws a washing machine*
throws a dryer
*throws a basket full of unwashed clothing*
throw a bunch of sumo underware
throws hammer!
*throws chopsticks*
*throws Spider-Man, but he zips away*
*throws scissors*
puts Muigi in a space bag and throws it at Stellia
*throws ban hammer*
*throws a soul*