You have just proven our point of you being power hungry. You are willing to irritate bytch and whine at Shrukan so much, she gives you your job back. I have DEFINITELY lost all respect for you.
Posts by Captain Spiff
I just thought of something... What about timezones O_o
Sure, why not.
My sig and avy set :p
^ how true...
< Lieks waffles
v !
Remove the *
hahahaha....if i have limewire i am gunna put a virus on my com and send it too you ;}
HA HA HA HA, it that supposed to be a threat? Anyways, it WILL NOT give you a virus, program, trojan, waffle, anything from just watching it
Granted, then a piano falls on you (classic :p)
I wish for a dollar
Loved for his sheer disobedience...
I APPRECIATE YOU!!! for liking anime.
Holy crapzor, triple update! I'm too lazy to post it though... I was wondering when ther would finally show snake...
Liked cause you are an awesome member!
Ironically, you are lying right now, he told you to drop the Negr0 topic and you didn't. He told you to stop again, you didn't and you flammed him. Others told you to stop, you didn't listen, so, you get banned.
You were banned because You repeatedly disobeyed a mod and flammed him.
Loved for your intelligence :p
They should really make a vc transfer system -_-. Just check the price. If it's over 150$ I would get a new one. (new warranty new controller and nunchuck, new wii)
Buy a new one (unless you have tons of vc games). Most repairmen aren't cheap.
I look foward to pwning someone with Yoshi, then posting the screen shot. *laughs evilly*
W00t, 100 members!
Hm... I would think you would have been let to be AT LEAST a rpg mod. Pm is't on very often... Anyway, Shrukan, there really isn't much to mod -_- I don't think that's a good reason to hate mailduck either...
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