The Romance Thread (Edited Version)

  • I'm staying single awhile myself, it seems I can really never get round to catching the right fish, all the ones I've gone for are either stuffed or mounted. Maybe chilling out and getting my head round it all might help in preparation for finding the right girl for me.

    Stewie TAwsum Quotes (only sum of them)

    Whatever helps you sleep at night, bitch.

    You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know.
    Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that.

    God, all this work keeping people from having sex, now i know how the Catholic church feels!

    So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

  • Quote from Hector the Specter

    I'm staying single awhile myself, it seems I can really never get round to catching the right fish, all the ones I've gone for are either stuffed or mounted. Maybe chilling out and getting my head round it all might help in preparation for finding the right girl for me.

    Same here... Dating a girl is a lot more work than it looks. You have to make sure you're "financially set" (so to please her with a gift or two, such as flowers or others), prep up for dates out, set times or other dates for dates, talk with her, hang out with her, etc.... At least, for me, that's what I would do. I tend to cling to my girlfriend like a kitten (which is one of the main reasons my relationships never last). For some reason, I love being close to whomever I'm going out with -- asking about herself, how she is doing, and just spending [a lot of] time with her if I can... whether it be just walking around, holding hands, going to her house (or her's to mine), stuff like that. I just love being around her... Eheh, but I'm getting ahead of myself here.

    I'm waiting till I get into the Air Force and head on into college to go out with a girl. I couldn't go out with one right now, as I'd be heading off to Texas for training... then to other places. Wherever (or WHENever) I settle down for a time is when I'll do my soulsearching. Might take a few years, though... but hey.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • I hate relationships right now. Every time someone or something pops up about this, it makes me sick. I rather be alone for awhile, but sometimes I long to be with someone. All I'm saying is that I have a hole in my heart right now.

  • Now, let me write an essay about this :P.

    I currently have a girlfriend, for moderate time, and I think I will stay with her for long, it's still in that fase and perhaps it will never go to a worse one :P. But I don't know. I don't fall in love quickly, have I noticed. I have had one girl that I fell for, in appearance. That was a girl who probably didn't have any other lovers. It kind of grew on me, but I knew I would not be able to start a relationship based on appearance alone. And after getting to know her I knew she wasn't right for me. My girlfriend found it the other way around, fell for my appearance, and the pretty story is, there was a spark. One that surprised me as I hadn't noticed her at all, but it was strong, really strong, and it still is.

    Someone to share my dark thoughts with. A girl who, behind her timidity, likes Dimmu Borgir and Immortal black satanic metal, has hell of a personality, is sweet, kind, looks great, I can go on forever.

    As part with not falling in love quickly, I don't tend to bond very quickly as well. I've had a few other girls who liked me, and I tried it with them, but it just didn't click on the long run, as it does now.

    On the topic, ofcourse, if her mom would find out what we have already explored, how intimate we are, I can expect a forced break up too. It's harsh, but I can live with it. Sacrifices will have to be made to love someone.

    .. _ .. /~_0_~\ .. _ ..
    defy the blackened, enshroud your timidity, destroy the legend, embrace your reality.

    -=!~|I am from beyond your God|~!=-

  • Interesting Mythical. I'm somewhat like it, for I only like boys for certain things. Although I hardly fall in love with someone now, since most boys at my school or in town are mean. None of them like me for my appearance, and I am guessing none will ever like me. If someone liked me for my personality, that would be nice.

  • Interesting Mythical. I'm somewhat like it, for I only like boys for certain things. Although I hardly fall in love with someone now, since most boys at my school or in town are mean. None of them like me for my appearance, and I am guessing none will ever like me. If someone liked me for my personality, that would be nice.

    Most of the girls where I live are a bunch of ----, so that's one of the reasons I've stayed single.
    However, that's not to say all of them are. There are most who've moved from different states to where I live, so... not all hope is lost, heh.

    Well. Ironic. (Checks reason for edit.)

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Most of the girls where I live are a bunch of ----, so that's one of the reasons I've stayed single.
    However, that's not to say all of them are. There are most who've moved from different states to where I live, so... not all hope is lost, heh.

    Well. Ironic. (Checks reason for edit.)

    The boys at my school act so damn immature, like the fact that they are 15-18 years of age. They never grow up and they still act like not having an education is alright. I mean, there's one kid in my class who gets F's all the time, ISS, OSS, and other things for the fact he comes in late, ill prepared, and etc.

    Oi. The only boys I seem to like are on the internet; at least they are more mature.

  • The boys at my school act so damn immature, like the fact that they are 15-18 years of age. They never grow up and they still act like not having an education is alright. I mean, there's one kid in my class who gets F's all the time, ISS, OSS, and other things for the fact he comes in late, ill prepared, and etc.

    Oi. The only boys I seem to like are on the internet; at least they are more mature.

    Now that you bring that up, I must say how I believe in the "theory" that females mature faster than males.
    A prime example of an observation of mine (I tend to be a little too observant, heh):
    On my way back home in a bus, there was a guy sitting about three seats behind me. In the seat next to him, there was a girl. Both were trying to get another girl's attention (she was sitting in front of me, four seats from them).
    Of course, the guy gave it a shot at getting her attention himself. And what does he do? He crumples up some small wads of paper and throws them at her, but is unsuccessful at his attempt (none of those hit me... and if they did, well... they're paper, heh, nothing to make a big deal out of).
    After the boy gives up, he tells the girl next to him to get their friend's attention. And what does she do? She taps the person in front of her, and asks that person to get their friend. Lo and behold, in what took the guy minutes of unsuccessful paper ball throwing, in mere seconds the girl very easily gained her friend's attention.
    It's sad, really... Very sad.
    There are plenty other observation's I've made with guys being more immature... Always starting up fights by thinking/spazzing too much, playing around with other guys and taking it seriously, showing off, and plenty others. But, that isn't to say we guys don't have our good points.

    I'll just leave it at that.

    I try my best not to be one of these morons... I think before I act. Look before I leap. I may also have my pride, but if I need help, I won't hesitate to ask questions. Not doing so would only make myself look more like a fool.

    ...Anywho, in terms of relationships... I try to find a girl who's more quiet. She's mature, just quiet, and for this reason she is pushed around in the hallway.
    For me, a girl's looks do not matter. What I look for is what is hidden on the inside... Any girl has a potential to be beautiful on the outside, and I mean any. But, if you are beautiful on the outside but cold and heartless on the inside, I'll pass. I'd rather have a 400-pound 19-year-old as my girlfriend than a ****y model anyday. :rupee:

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • For me, a girl's looks do not matter. What I look for is what is hidden on the inside... Any girl has a potential to be beautiful on the outside, and I mean any. But, if you are beautiful on the outside but cold and heartless on the inside, I'll pass. I'd rather have a 400-pound 19-year-old as my girlfriend than a ****y model anyday. :rupee:

    FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES! I'm quiet, shy, and "ugly" or so I say to myself. But all the boys look out for are girls and their looks. >_>;;

  • Girls are just as guilty as guys are of only wanting to be with someone based on their outward appearance... I know from friends at my old school. Either way, let's not turn this into another gender debate, people. It only ends in biased ignorance form both sides.

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • To me, looks could go flying out the window and I would agree with Steelia. No matter the looks; A 'girl for me' would probably need to have a lot more on the inside than anything. Looks are defiantly a plus, but I look for things deeper. I'll use my girlfriend as an example.

    We both have a lot in common; We like just about the same things, and we're both there for each other having been friends for five years. It also goes a long way to say this: Get to know the person you like before you make any stupid moves.

    Everyone is accused of just wanting looks; It's not just guys, its not just girls. Some people just need to wake up and smell the coffee: Your missing a lot by just looking for looks.

  • To be fair, however:

    I think the psychology behind the people wanting someone good-looking is a good one - people actively search for someone pretty (Or handsome for the ladies) but then they also want to know what that person is like. Then, if you don't think that they're the person for you, you move on. We cannot assume that just because someone wants a woman (or guy) that is beautiful that they are automatically shallow. I can appreciate a woman's body as much as the next guy, you know, and this is completely natural.

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • I've been contacted by my girlfriend because she fell for my looks, but after we got that through and I knew she was at me, we totally forgot that and focussed on the inside, to talk a lot and get to know eachother. But still, if I had been looking different from now, I wouldn't have her. I know a few relationships who have developed over the inside only, people getting to know eachother just because they are put together in classes, but most of em really do originated out of one falling for the other's appearance. Isn't it natural to do that? Is it really that biased to like someone's appearance and for that reason, try to get in contact with him/her?

    I feel it is total bullshit that one should only look at the inside. It is human nature to regard another person's aesthetical value even more over his character, especially at the age the most of us are in. I'm pretty sure it would have been a lot harder for me to go with my girlfriend so quickly after first real contact (which might you want to know, after we talked about 20 hours on MSN in four days, I talked to her only three hours person to person before we decided to go for it :D) if I hadn't been infatuated with her appearance from the beginning.

    .. _ .. /~_0_~\ .. _ ..
    defy the blackened, enshroud your timidity, destroy the legend, embrace your reality.

    -=!~|I am from beyond your God|~!=-

  • I've been contacted by my girlfriend because she fell for my looks, but after we got that through and I knew she was at me, we totally forgot that and focussed on the inside, to talk a lot and get to know eachother. But still, if I had been looking different from now, I wouldn't have her. I know a few relationships who have developed over the inside only, people getting to know eachother just because they are put together in classes, but most of em really do originated out of one falling for the other's appearance. Isn't it natural to do that? Is it really that biased to like someone's appearance and for that reason, try to get in contact with him/her?

    I feel it is total bullshit that one should only look at the inside. It is human nature to regard another person's aesthetical value even more over his character, especially at the age the most of us are in. I'm pretty sure it would have been a lot harder for me to go with my girlfriend so quickly after first real contact (which might you want to know, after we talked about 20 hours on MSN in four days, I talked to her only three hours person to person before we decided to go for it :D) if I hadn't been infatuated with her appearance from the beginning.

    Certainly a convincing argument until you hit the bold section. You do realize that is defined as the naturalistic fallacy, right?

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • I don't recall having a real GF ever but one half of me doesn't give a shit and the other half wants some one to love me in the end I end up confused sad and alone. =\

    As we live on,
    we lose a little bit more.
    Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
    we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out

  • I've never had a BF, but with the boys in my high school, I don't really care...
    I've had my decent fair of crushes though... :wink: =P

    --I'm out of my mind. Please leave a message.--
    --*Hands out hearts to everyone* Be happy--

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.