• Welp, it's official. My computer has been killed.

    Some kind of Spyware or Trojan has found its way into my computer and now the comp constantly reboots at the Windows loading screen. Safe Mode no worky either, so now I'll be stuck with no computer for the rest of this week and next until everyone comes home.

    My internet life sucks big. >:(

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Your internet life sucks big? Sucks big what?

    Oh, and try to get your computer fixed, if you can... if it ever recovers, google Ad-Aware 2007 (You can pay for licenses, but you don't have to. It'll protect your computer if you don't register), Spybot Search and Destroy, and AVG anti virus. If your computer doesn't recover, then get these on whatever computer you'll be using in the future.

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Quote from Twistkill

    Oh, and try to get your computer fixed, if you can... if it ever recovers, google Ad-Aware 2007 (You can pay for licenses, but you don't have to. It'll protect your computer if you don't register), Spybot Search and Destroy, and AVG anti virus. If your computer doesn't recover, then get these on whatever computer you'll be using in the future.

    Actually, I had all of those programs when this started happening.

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Quote from Twistkill


    Well then your keyboard must have been worshiping QWERTY.

    Not really. And I think I know what caused this to happen.

    MYSPACE (I think)

    I got one popup from MySpace and my whole comp screws up.

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • maybe.

    i have myspace and everythings okay with me
    but a lot of things that you can click on myspace bulletins etc can be viruses

  • Quote from mortuaries

    but a lot of things that you can click on myspace bulletins etc can be viruses

    If videos count, then I damn MySpace to Zelda's dead world. My brother got me hooked on watching ATHF videos on MySpace.

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Quote from Muigi

    If videos count, then I damn MySpace to Zelda's dead world. My brother got me hooked on watching ATHF videos on MySpace.

    Youtube is always safer. :)

    Of course, I bet that the ATHF videos are on the official Adult Swim page, if there is one?

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Quote from Shrukan

    Dude. I get stupid Myspace pop ups and like 20 windows or something and I have all the programs the same as you. And my bro doesn't know how to fix it. >.<

    Come back soon Muigi!!! :'(

    Spyware, its spyware. install spybot search and destroy run a scan and delete all of it.

  • Wow, least my Wii online connection still works. :P

    That means, until my comp is fixed, this'll be the only form I'll be able to speak to you guys.

    God this took forever to type. They really need a keyboard attachment for the Wii.

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Quote from Muigi

    Wow, least my Wii online connection still works. :P

    That means, until my comp is fixed, this'll be the only form I'll be able to speak to you guys.

    God this took forever to type. They really need a keyboard attachment for the Wii.

    Thats a good idea.. but it'll probably be exspensive when/if they make it.

  • Quote from Muigi

    Wow, least my Wii online connection still works. :P

    That means, until my comp is fixed, this'll be the only form I'll be able to speak to you guys.

    God this took forever to type. They really need a keyboard attachment for the Wii.

    Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    Thats a good idea.. but it'll probably be exspensive when/if they make it.


    You can apparently use the GC keyboard, and the Opera web browser will be used with the Wii as well. Also, I believe many computer-based USB keyboards are supported as well...

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Quote from Muigi

    Wow, least my Wii online connection still works. :P

    That means, until my comp is fixed, this'll be the only form I'll be able to speak to you guys.

    God this took forever to type. They really need a keyboard attachment for the Wii.

    Whoo. I know how that is. And the messages are limited to so many words, so it can be pretty aggrivating.

    Well, hope you manage to get your computer fixed.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • watch it'll probably be something really simple too lol.. thats how it was with me anyways.

  • *sighes* You need to scan your machine muigi with your anti-virus software and tell me what you have on your harddrive that is a virus. If it is a minor thing, I could tell you how to fix it. To be protected from internet viruses do the following in the future.

    A)Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT download anything off the internet without having your anti-virus scan it first. That is the easiest way for a virus to get onto your harddrive.
    B)Not every antivirus system is safe. I know alot of people that have norton, aol, and other crap and they still get viruses. The best bet is Avira.
    C)Don't go onto any sites without first checking if they have viruses on them. One easy way to determine if they do is if they have porn adds that pop up.
    Follow these and your common sense and you will do fine.

    My dad goes to computer shows, and he drags me along. So I know alot about them.

  • Quote from Prince_Zora

    A)Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT download anything off the internet without having your anti-virus scan it first. That is the easiest way for a virus to get onto your harddrive.
    B)Not every antivirus system is safe. I know alot of people that have norton, aol, and other crap and they still get viruses. The best bet is Avira.
    C)Don't go onto any sites without first checking if they have viruses on them. One easy way to determine if they do is if they have porn adds that pop up.
    Follow these and your common sense and you will do fine.

    A) Dude. Even an anti-virus program can't check for viruses all the time. AVG messes up for me and cannot even check for new viruses.

    B) And how do you know that? Maybe your anti-virus doesn't know everything. You may have a virus in your computer, so deep and hidden your anti-virus can't see it.

    C) Hell, not every, PORN SITE, has a virus on it. I get damn pop ups without porn that has viruses on it.

  • Quote from Prince_Zora

    *sighes* You need to scan your machine muigi with your anti-virus software and tell me what you have on your harddrive that is a virus. If it is a minor thing, I could tell you how to fix it. To be protected from internet viruses do the following in the future.

    A)Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT download anything off the internet without having your anti-virus scan it first. That is the easiest way for a virus to get onto your harddrive.
    B)Not every antivirus system is safe. I know alot of people that have norton, aol, and other crap and they still get viruses. The best bet is Avira.
    C)Don't go onto any sites without first checking if they have viruses on them. One easy way to determine if they do is if they have porn adds that pop up.
    Follow these and your common sense and you will do fine.

    Well, my brother installed AVG that does a virus scan every time I log into my computer and does frequent virus scans all around my computer. I also plan on installing Spybot asap when I get my comp back up.

    Also, like Shrukan said, not every site with porn has a virus. Not every porn pop-up does either. This started as soon as I deleted one of my old programs I had lying around, so I'm guessing the file was just corrupted or something.
    (MySpace was a dumb excuse, apologies)

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • Quote from Muigi

    Also, like Shrukan said, not every site with porn has a virus. Not every porn pop-up does either. This started as soon as I deleted one of my old programs I had lying around, so I'm guessing the file was just corrupted or something.
    (MySpace was a dumb excuse, apologies)

    I have many files on my computer that are corrupt. I should find a way to delete them.

    The worse I get is f-ing trojans.