• Do you have premonitions?

    My mom has premonitions most of the time, or warnings. Like when I am in school, she knows something bad was going to happen. And it usually does, like if I get ill or hurt.

    I had one premonition just walking down the stairs of my High School. Something spoke to me in my head and said: "Be careful. Pain is coming." I was so scared I froze on the stairs for a second and walked slowly down them and made sure I wouldn't lose control of where I stepped.

    I found out later when I was going to hop onto the After School Bus (seeing as I had After School Study Session for bad grades), that a car (yes a car), was driving nearly 50 MPH down the sidewalk. I jumped in front of a Parked School bus and the car just drove by. I was so scared after, jumped onto my seat on Bus 9 and just waited there to calm down.

    I came home later to hear that my mom caught word of this, and was scared to death. All the Bus drivers called each other saying "A girl almost got run over by a car." "Is she alright?" "Not sure, but the car almost got her."

    The guy most likely got his license suspended or something, cause they caught the same guy soon after.

    I was still scared about it.

  • Holy smokes. o_O

    Occasionally, I may have a "premonition"... The closest I have to those is when I'm depressed, though. If I feel really upset for no apparent reason, that normally means it will be raining soon...
    Happened to me at work. Suddenly felt depressed looking at the sky, and I was wondering why. I had noticed in the past this happening, but it was such a beautiful, clear, sunny day that I shrugged it off.... Roughly five minutes later, an announcement came over an intercom (as I was working in a commissary on a military base), and it said a storm was brewing and was heading for the island, so that recruits could get in before getting soaked.


    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Quote from Steelia

    Occasionally, I may have a "premonition"... The closest I have to those is when I'm depressed, though. If I feel really upset for no apparent reason, that normally means it will be raining soon...
    Happened to me at work. Suddenly felt depressed looking at the sky, and I was wondering why. I had noticed in the past this happening, but it was such a beautiful, clear, sunny day that I shrugged it off.... Roughly five minutes later, an announcement came over an intercom (as I was working in a commissary on a military base), and it said a storm was brewing and was heading for the island, so that recruits could get in before getting soaked.

    Yeah. I have that happen as well. Things seem to happen around me depending on my mood. Strange though.

    And Steelia, about the voice in my head. *coughs*Omega*coughs*

  • I have had preminitions before.None to serious like I'm gonna die or anything.I had a preminition of my girlfreind dumping me

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.