Why do we play Runescape?
Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Because we are giant potatoes.(Wait wuh?)
Why do you touch yourself at night O:
Because it feels good, and masturbation is actually healthy for you. What other reasons are there?
If onion powder comes from onions, and garlic powder comes from garlic, where does baby powder come from?
When white people die, they secretly take the corpses and take the skin off of them and make it into a fine powder.
Why do we all speek in British accents and we are from outer space and there is not Brittan?
Because British monkeys came with guns and told us to speak in a British accent or they'd murder our families.
Why must everybody be perverts anymore? >_> *points to his forum to show you how perverted people are*
Why do you touch yourself at night O:
Because you asked a question that requires an answer such as TKs
Why do the Puppets in Mr Rodgers never age?
Because they hold a time device in their backs that control the space time vortex; and if evil gets ahold of it, they could destroy the whole universe!
Why is stupidity bliss?
Because you're a nubface.
Why are pikmin gay?
because they are gay.
why is grass green?
Because Muigi urinated all over it, and since he eats too much broccoli it was green O:
Why did a kitten die?
Answer:Because they like cheesy crackers!
Question:Whats S.T.A.R stand for?
Stupid Targets Attack Radkin
Why does Jason say 'You suck!' When I post this?
I dunno because he ate your lower pickle.
Why does p.e.e. stand for Poop Eating Entities?
Because it is.
Would you join Starship ZU chat.
Stands for "Hello Ice cream"
Why do I like to post smilies? -
i don't know,
who are you?
I'm myself.
Why doesn't the moon hurt your eyes like the sun does?? -
coz the moonlight is only sunlight bouncing off the moon, its only 1/4 of the brightness
what is 2 + 2?
5 =P
Why can't I decide over red and blue for my favorite color? -
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