- Official Post
My name is LS. I'm a huge fan of the Zelda games up through Majora's Mask, after which I think the series started to go pretty far downhill.
I'm a working writer. I spend most of my time working on Dungeons & Dragons stuff, though I've written some fiction here and there. I also write porn pretty regularly. None of my work really makes me very much money, but it makes me happy.
I mostly play indie video games these days. Though for the last few weeks I've been playing a lot of Civilization V. I've got some friends I want to play it with, but they're pretty good, so I'm trying to get my skills up so I don't hold them back.
I'm a big fan of the old Star Wars EU. It peaked in the '90s before Episode 1 came out. It slowly declined until Disney bought it, after which Star Wars became dead to me.
I've spent a whole lot of my life and career working with computers without learning much, though I do know a lot about water cooling. I don't get along with my parents, I do get along very well with my siblings.
Up until my 27th birthday I was a casual teetotaler. Now I drink quite often.
Picture of myself is attached.