Howdy everyone. I'm Goombastic from Mario Stadium ( I decided to register after Shrukan visited my forums. Shrukan makes some nice signatures by the way.
Thanks for having me. n_n
Howdy everyone. I'm Goombastic from Mario Stadium ( I decided to register after Shrukan visited my forums. Shrukan makes some nice signatures by the way.
Thanks for having me. n_n
Welcome to ZT Goombastic! Goombas Rock!
Hello, and Welcome to Zelda Temple's Forums! Please abide by the rules at all times while posting. If you have any questions and / or require assistance; Please PM a Moderator such as myself or an Administrator.
Hey, welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Yes, welcome to the forum. Please follow the rules, and enjoy your stay. ^_^
Hey welcome. I know I'm posting but I am taking a somewhat break and spending more time playing off the computer (keeps me calmer that way).