Eternal Hyrule X-Treme Kombat!

  • *uses dins fire then fires an arrow through the fire to make a fire arrow at DL*

    I could never get the fire arrows

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • *Dodges bombs and tells Din, Nayru, and Farore to kill them.

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *Punches shrukan in the face and kicks her in the stomach*

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • *Throws King Zora at Shrukan*

    *King Zora sits on Shrukan*

    LOL XD

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.



    Sea Of Feirce Waters

    *Steals Twistkill's boat and paddles away*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • Grrrrrrrr.....Now you've made me mad!

    Nindori Spell! Vanish!

    *DL Dissappears*

    *mutters a reappering spell*

    Nindori Spell! Reappear!

    *kicks MA in the back, and makes him fall of the ship*

    *he is now fighting agaisnt the raging waters, As he slowly dies*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *Brings MA on the ship*I want this battle to be long!*Kicks DL in the stomach and throws MA across the deck and then stomps on him*hahaha!*disappears and then reappears above DL and kicks him in the jaw*whoo!I'm on fire!*disappears and then reappears above MA,kicks him in the leg,and punches him in the face*Well it apparently isn't going to be long anyway.

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • *fades away*

    Ahahahaahaaa!!! You haven't seen the last of me!!!!!

    *Just before GoZ punced MA in the face, DL then reappered and cloned himself into four*

    *Pushes GoZ to the ground*

    *Takes sowrd and slashes his neck*

    *then a clone of me stabs him in the back*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • You bas *dies*hahahahaha*godly powers revive me*Let's see how you like this,summon,Ifrit!*uses hells fire*Leviathan!*uses tsunami*Asura!*heals my magic and health*now take this*disappears in a flash and slashes DL's legs*hahaha*flips up in the air and stabs DL in the head*

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • *fades away*

    *one other clone appears in my place to deal with GoZ*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *summons leviathan to make a whirlpool*Are you better off in the water now?*deals with the clone and leaves MA to die as I search for DL*

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • *Summons a legion of redeads!*"You!Prepare to die!"*multiplys himself,kicks up spiff,smashes his face four time while in the air,and holds a sword to the ground as he falls**Redeads feast on his flesh*"Do not defy me!"

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.