• Just the new guy. Well, not so new to Shrukan. We go waay back on VGDC, but we were both banished from there due to misunderstandings.

    I have become increasingly bored recently, so I've added this forum to the others that I visit. (3 regularly, plus this one now.) I do not know how active I will be on here, but I will most likely be online every day, not necessarily posting on any threads due to the lack of interest, but you will see my climb my way up shortly.

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Welcome and read the rules and enjoy your stay, if theres any problems. to bad.

  • Quote from Shrukan

    Twist won't make any trouble. :P I've known him long enough for that.

    Thats good to hear, I can imagine he can be responsible enough to behave... .lol.

  • Aren't you from ZD? Oh, Twistkill! hey! Welcome! Follow the rules and all that stuff

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • So, another VGDC member, eh? Welcome to the forums. (This is BG2.0 from there, Giga from Celestial Studios.)
    Hope you enjoy it here. Problems, of course just PM mods or admin. :)

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • I'm pretty much Happy mask Salesman, or Mr. Goron. on all the sites I'm on.