All You Need Is Love

  • If one thing lacks the Zelda series IMO its the love part of the game

    perhaps they just didnt bother because of it being a kids game? who knows. Besides its an over 11+ age rating

    Anyway I was disappointed right back at the end of OoT where there was a chance for something more with Zelda.
    On that note same goes for Saria, or Malon

    You see all this fan artwork with Link and Midna together etc and it makes you think maybe Nintendo should have considered making it more
    serious with the whole relationship thing, perhaps a bit of jealousy etc
    IMO I also think it would be a good way of getting to Link, someone kidnapping or even killing the girl he loves.

    It would make the game a lot more emotional and I do think you would get even more attached to it with a more intense emotion like this.

  • Actually it has been shown very well Link truely loves and deeply cares for Midna. See the end of Twilight Princess.


    She tries to finish off Ganondorf and Link tries to save her.

    He rushes to see her when the Light Spirits brought her back.

    He was heart broken when she shattered the Mirror.

    *end spoiler*

  • I suppose I know what you mean... though, if they WERE to make a game like that, Link would have to be older... How old would you say he is in Twilight Princess? He has to be at that age where he's playable not only for adults, but for children. Old enough to comprehend love, but also keeping it close to where it appears to be just a strong alliance or friendship.

    But a love-tragic-themed Zelda game would be VERY interesting. I'm not saying a makeover of Romeo and Juliet, but enough for it to show qualities of relationships and heartbreaks.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Quote from X3 AL3X X3

    I thought Link loved Zelda?

    Well there wasn't really anything to support that was there


    Heres a few screens of the ending which could have been a really emotional scene
    but it didn't really work for me. Which IMO is the only thing Zelda lacked

    you see there is obviously something there, just by looking at Zelda's face.
    Nintendo just didn't bring this out

    For me I found this part of the ending to be a lot more emotional

    and finally

  • I concur that OoT could have inputted a little more emotion, I mean MM, now that had emotion and is one of the many superior qualities it has over its predecessor in my opinion. The sheer thought of impending doom and Clock Town's residents hopeless, despondent in preventing it or trying to deny what is inevitably fate. I mean MM was brimming with all sorts of different, contrastive emotions. Maybe it was presented better than OoT and it just goes to show you could instill emotion in someone without the use of voice acting, but by using your creative imagination and having an envisioning frame of mind. MM just conveyed the overall "emotion" a lot better than OoT and definately one of things they improved upon which is why I regard MM as one of the finest in the series, if not in many ways better than OoT in that aspect.

  • Yeah I think that's supposed to be fairly obvious.

    Then again OoT Link is a different person that TP Link, therefore possibly having different loves.

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Quote from Tywar

    XD i didnt realy find her very actravtive, zelda is hot and she pwns XD

    i did XD
    sadly though none of the Zelda characters are real. EXCEPT for Tingle, but he prefers to be called George W Bush nowadays.

    Anywho...Link loves all the girls hes a playa

  • Quote from zeypher

    i did XD
    sadly though none of the Zelda characters are real. EXCEPT for Tingle, but he prefers to be called George W Bush nowadays.

    Anywho...Link loves all the girls hes a playa

    You said it. You got... saira, malon, Zelda, nabooru, din, nayru, farore, lila, telma, damn, why cant i think of anymore?
    lol, George is a ugly, greedy guy that desperately wants to be a fairy? nice XD

    ~[Most perverted '07]~
    ~/<><{[Tywar - Tyna]}><>\~

  • Quote from zeypher

    i did XD
    sadly though none of the Zelda characters are real. EXCEPT for Tingle, but he prefers to be called George W Bush nowadays.

    Anywho...Link loves all the girls hes a playa

    LMAO...Gearoge W Bush is gay. X] That was awsome dude. You rock.

  • Quote from Midna

    LMAO...Gearoge W Bush is gay. X] That was awsome dude. You rock.

    what the hell is going on?!
    why has a Zelda topic moved onto George Bush being gay?!?!
    this is totally un acceptable.
    quit the spamming. if you want to discuss George Bush being gay go to the off topic section.
    get back on topic

  • Not only do I second that (Albeit a little less enthusiastically than mortuaries said it), but I ask that everyone please refrains from saying the word "gay" unless it is used in proper form, ie. "I was talking to this girl, see, and she said she was considering becomig gay, etc." It is insulting to gay people, because I know a few of them.

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Yeah,don't do that.Anywhoo,I thought there should be more emotion it as well.It would have been better.I really liked oot.I thought it would be more emotional at the end.

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • There are many perspectives that you could use to convey such emotions, but it must be difficult to do this if the main character is a mute. They could have used different facial expressions and displayed some non-verbal affection like fixed eye contact or caressing of the face and the like. It would have been interesting and they might attempt to do that in future Zelda games. I mean I admit I was a little dissapointed there wasn't a little more emotion between the two protagonists, after enduring such traumatic events that have occured all around them. I think thats where Majora's Mask hit the mark very well in terms of conveying that "emotion" that drove the story no doubt. Stories that are driven purely by emotion always get to people more and I think in the future, they might focus on conveying different emotions from unique perspectives, but who knows really.

    Stewie TAwsum Quotes (only sum of them)

    Whatever helps you sleep at night, bitch.

    You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know.
    Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that.

    God, all this work keeping people from having sex, now i know how the Catholic church feels!

    So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?