The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker Parody

  • Chapter 11: Kalle Demos

    Link:*Fly over to the Forbidden Woods* This place is freaky. I mean, really! Look at all this crappy sh/t.

    Pile of sh/t: You just hate me because I?m brown.

    Link: ?Where?d you come from?

    Pile of sh/t: Duh. An ass.

    Link: o.o *walks away*

    Pile of sh/t: Don?t run away from your feelings!

    Link: Hmm?Where do I go? Hey writer! Take we where I need to go!

    Me: Okay! *Opens up a portal to hell*

    Link: Gah! Not there! *Walks around for hours* *Finds the boss door*

    Door: Halt!

    Link: Oh no! I don?t have the key!

    You do not need a key
    You do not need to cry,
    All you must do, is give my riddle try!

    Link: Oh yeah? Lay it on me.

    A man is running in the ran you see
    But his hair does not wet at all
    The ran runs down his face,
    But his hair stays dry. Why?

    Link: He?s bald.

    Door: Correct. *Opens*

    Link: Sweet!

    Maker: H-help me! P-P-Please!

    Link: Aww! So cute!

    Maker: P-P-Please!

    Kalle Demos: *Eats Maker* Tastes like a damn pencil.

    Link: Hey! Wait a minute!

    Kalle Demos: Damn it, what?

    Link: The boomerang! I don?t have it!

    Kalle Demos: So?

    Link: I can?t fight you without it!

    Steelia: *Throws boomerang* Hurry! Restrain Midna!

    Midna: Let me go! I?ll sho him what he forgot! He got forgot vitamin dose of M!

    Dark Link: M?

    Midna: ME! Let me go!

    Shrukan: *Helps drag me away* *Comes back* DL, come on.

    DL: Why? I wanna see the fight!

    Shrukan: *Grabs his ear and walks away*

    Link: *Cuts vines* Give him back!

    Kalle Demos: Never damn it!

    {The battle takes place for hours, finally Link kills Kalle Demos}

    Kalle Demos: Damn it! Lights fading, limbs growing cold. Head?falling off?.*dies*

    Maker: Y-Y-You s-s-s-saved me! T-Thank you elf!

    Link: What?

    Maker: T-T-Thank you. A-Are you h-here t-to save m-me?

    Link:: Uh huh.

    Maker: T-Thank y-you.
    GDT: Maker! Your alive!

    Maker: C-Can I-I play my s-song?

    GDT: Suuuuuuuuuuure!

    Maker: *Plays*

    Link: Heey! That?s pretty catchy!

    {To be continued on the next chapter. *Evil smile*}

  • LOL!!!! Shrukan pwned me. XD

    Not for long, For Midna's next chapter wil...I wont spoil it!

    Woo! GREAT CHAPPY! I cant wait for the next one!!!!!!

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • You guys are lucky I'm done with this chapter. Bed time for me!

    Chapter 12: The Bomb Bag

    Link: Thanks for Farore?s Pearl Great Deku Tree.

    GDT: Noooooooooo problem!

    Link: *runs off* Hey King! Look! I got the second one!

    KORL: Whoa, now you?ve got ****ing 4 balls!

    Link: What? I?ve only got 2 pearls and what are- Oh your disgusting!

    KORL: ****ing moron. Are you gonna stand there like a moron or are we gonna go to get the next ****ing pearl?

    Link: Yes!

    KORL: You better ****ing sail this time moron.

    Link: I enjoy your company.

    KORL: Off we go.

    KORL: Why are we ****ing here at Windfall?

    Link: I saw Tetra?s ship. I think she?s here!

    KORL: Ugh.

    Link: Be right back! *runs off*

    KORL: *Notices the ship* Why hello there. How long have you been here?

    Link: Hello? Is anyone in there? ?In the bomb shop?

    Voice: NO!

    Link: *Walks to over side and climbs in through hole* The pirates!

    Smarty: Yo Gonzo, you know how Tetra is all pretty and all that?

    Gonzo: Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

    Smarty: Well, if you and Tetra got married, you guys would have a very smart kid!

    Link: Eww.

    Gonzo: Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

    Tetra: Like, that is like so totally gross. I?m 12 and he?s like, what? 32?

    Link: Heh.

    Tetra: See you guys at the bar. *Hears link giggle* *looks up*

    Link: sh/t!

    Tetra: *winks*

    Link: I got in the ship! Yes! Now where?s Nikko?

    Nikko: LOL! Newbie is back!

    Link: -_-

    Nikko: Wazz up newbie? Since the mods and admin is away, have you come to play? LOL!

    Link: No. I?ve come for something else. Like a bomb bag.

    Nikko: LOL! I shoulda guessed. WTF man. *gives*


    Nikko: ROFLMAO

    Link: Huh?! The stone! *answers* Gah! Tetra!

    Tetra: Your so totally a rat. Are like, stealing from me? Whatever. You won?t win. You won?t.

  • Quote from Shrukan

    Nice part. Boat love. (n_n)


    Another great two chapters!! As always, looking forward to the next installments! ^_^

    Maker: H-help me! P-P-Please!

    Link: Aww! So cute!

    Maker: P-P-Please!

    Kalle Demos: *Eats Maker* Tastes like a damn pencil.


    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • It's finally up everyone! ;)

    Chapter 13: Nayru?s Pearl

    Link: King! Tetra said we have until morning to get to Outset! We?ve only got- What are you doing?

    King: Making out with this hot babe.

    Link: ?It?s a ship?.

    King: And I?m a boat.

    Link: Are you ready?

    King: I guess.

    Link: Off we go to Outset!

    King: Way to go captain obvious. We have to go to-

    Shrukan, Dark Link, Steelia: Noooooo! Shut up before Midna gets here! Sail to Outset! Hurry!

    Link: o.o;

    Link: What do we do? Can I go visit Grandma?

    King: I don?t care.

    Link: Granny! I?m coming!!!

    King: o.o

    Link: *walks in* Grandma? Are you in here? Gran- What the hell!

    Grandma: *knocked out on the floor* Beer?so?.much?.beer?

    Link: ?I say! *Walks back to King* Are you ready?

    King: ****ing moron. What the f*** do you think?

    Link: Yes. We got to back of Island? I saw a whirlpool there.

    King: o.o

    Link: King?

    King: o.o

    Link: Hello?

    King: ****ing moron! I?m a boat!

    Link: Your point?

    King: Ugh!

    *A few moments later*

    Link: Whoa! What the hell is that?!

    King: It?s Jabun you ****ing moron.

    Jabun: /./<><:::??()(_)_%^&*&$%$

    Link: ?What did he say?

    Jabun: .<>:{}{?;/;/;/;\\|(!@#$$%%^%

    Link: HELLO! King, what did he say?

    King: He said have the pearl.

    Link: Sweet.

    Jabun: /\/\0|_H$^&^%^

    King: He said Mother ****er. ****ing moron.

    Link: -_-

  • LOL! Funny! I like this, ALOT! Funny! ROFL! Keep it coming!!!!!!!

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • LOL

    The Jabun part was clever. Too bad he couldn't have spoken in a stranger form of leet, but that works. XD

    Keep up the great work! :)

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • ROFLMAO! This is funny.


    He said mother f*****.F****** moron.

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • Chapter 14: The Tower of Gods

    Link: Yes! Finally! I?ve got them! YES! PARTAY!

    King: No. We must put the pearls where the belong you ****ing moron.

    Link: You?ve been calling me a ****ing moron ever since we met! Don?t you got a new nickname for me?

    King: Blondie.

    Link: No! I like ****ing moron better!

    King: Eh. I like Blondie better.

    Link: NO!!!

    King: Goodbye ****ing moron and hello Blondie!

    Link: Ugh! Me and my big mouth! We might as well put these where they belong.

    *A few days later*

    Link: KING! There?s a huge octorock in the way! MOVE!

    Octorock: I?ll make you fancy, I?ll make you great! The kind of gal the prince would date!

    Link: ?.

    Octorock: Rawr!

    Link: ?Can I help you?

    Octorock: I?ll take a cheeseburger happy meal with coke.

    Link: ?

    Octorock: With fries!

    Link: this isn?t Mickey D?s moron!

    Octorock: No? Okayz. Bye.

    Link: The final pearl! *Puts pearl on statue*

    Statue: S-steroids? Pearl! Your back! *explodes*


    *Smacks into the Tower of Gods*

    Shrukan: Daaaaaaaaaaamn. That?s gotta hurt!

    Dark Link: HAHAHA! HE GOT PWNED!

    Prince_Zora: Lol.

    Muigi: Sweet.

    god or zelda: hahaha!

    Steelia: Hey wait a minute, where?is?

    Me: Moo ha! Die Hero of wi-

    Everyone: *slaps me*

    Me: What the hell!

    Everyone: Don?t tell him who he is!

    Me: FINE!

    Link: ?*falls into water*

    Everyone: Frostbite! ?wait?what?!


    LOL, Just like me! FUNNY!


    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • lol, Link had to open his mouth to the King. XP

    Another great installment. Looking forward to the next chapters!

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Chapter 15: Hyrule

    Link: This…is the tower of the gods?

    King: Hell yeah Blondie.

    Link: Ugh!

    King: Ha ha ha.

    Link: Sooooooooooo, we go in?

    King: Yep. *goes in*

    Link: Agh!

    King: What the hell is your problem Blondie?

    Link: Stop calling me that! There’s a ninja up-head!

    Naruto: …How’d you know what I was?

    Link: Midna’s avvy!

    Me: Hey!

    Prince_Zora: Lol, he’s right Midna.

    Shrukan: (>u<)

    Dark Link: Are you gonna continue on? I mean really, you gotta battle the gods, then me!

    Me: Your thinking of OoT.

    Dark Link: Oh yeah.

    Steelia: XD

    Link: Shut up! Will you move please? I wanna battle the gods.

    Naruto: What the heck man! You don’t even have the key!

    Link: I just remembered something.

    King & Naruto: What?

    Link: Why are YOU here anyway?

    Me: I put him there so whenever you go to a new place, you gotta battle him to go on.

    Link & Naruto: SAY WHAT?!

    King: Enough of this shit. Blondie! Get back in here. We’ll find the key okay Kitty?

    Naruto: Ugh!

    Link: That’s mean.

    King: I don’t care!

    Link: This is crap! I found the key, I’m in front of the door, and I can’t reach the damn lock?! Uh!

    King: It feels good to be far from Blondie.

    Link: Open! Open, open, open, open, open, open, OPEN!

    There’s no need to fear!
    Bid ol’ door is here!

    Link: …

    I will sing a song you see
    Then you must guess who I sung.
    Does this confuse thee?

    Link: No.

    “Nobody’s Perfect! I gotta work it!”

    Link: What the! How should I know?!

    Thou shall not pass
    Till thee guesses.

    Link: Um….Avril Lagvine?


    Link: Bruce Springsteen?

    No again.

    Link: Hannah Montana?

    Yes! *opens*

    Link: Sweet!

    Gohdan: Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

    Link: o.o;

    Gohdan: Have you come to battle me oh great hero of time?

    Hands: Head, it’s Hero of Winds.

    Gohdan: Ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

    Link: I’m a hero?

    Gohdan: Nooooo shit doofus.

    Link: Grr…

    {Link fights gohdan, shooting his eyes out and then getting bombs out and blows his head off.}

    Link: King! I did it! I did it! I beat- oh my gosh we’re sinking!

    King: Yay.

    Link: *Can’t…breath* Hey! I can breath!

    King: Well no shit dumbass.

    Link: ;_;