• Which is more correct? 0

    1. Shrukan's Way (0) 0%
    2. Teacher's Way (0) 0%

    Apparantly A teacher at my school (I don't go to her class, but Prince Zora says her way is more correct than mine), says that everytime a person talk, its a new paragraph. Examples:

    Quote from My Way

    ?Weak?? The plague drew out his sword and stuck it in the ground, as blood came out of the dead body. ?So very weak?? He looked to the east as the sun soon began to rise. ?Time is sure fast. The sun rises? But soon. Even she will fall before the darkness.? He looked at the sun before the Shadow Sword exploded and the darkness slipped into his body. ?Ayumu lied though. I was sure he said here. Is he leading me in circles?? The plague bit his lip a bit in disgust and shrugged it off. ?Ah well? He knows I?ll keep killing until Balance comes. And when he does, I?ll finally win after these long months??

    Which is more correct? I think my way is more correct, since it just has The Plague talking, and no one else. The "Teacher" way makes you think its someone else speaking.

  • I think your way is correct. Same paragraph until a new person talks.

    But yours looks a little big, and you might want to separate it into paragraphs of your own.


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)

  • Quote

    “Come on! There must be more men to fight!” The plague cackled sickly.

    “Mommy…” A small girl clutched onto her mother’s dress. “When will he go?”

    “Not until his ‘hunger’ is gone…” The woman said, closely looking out her window.

    “Come on! Fight me! I will not rest!” The Plague laughed evilly.

    This is the only time I separate speech.

  • ^ Yes, that is what I do. What your supposed to do, when you take on interest in writing, you need to look of your favorite author and and see what he/she does, but dont do it so much... But anyways, thats what it looks like to me what they do...

    ~[Most perverted '07]~
    ~/<><{[Tywar - Tyna]}><>\~

  • Hmm... Your method is similar to what I may use. If I were having two+ characters, though, I would have it as separate paragraphs (kind of like how your teacher did it, except not double-spaced), but only if that's two+ characters. I'd have to go with your format in this situation.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Hmm... Your method is similar to what I may use. If I were having two+ characters, though, I would have it as separate paragraphs (kind of like how your teacher did it, except not double-spaced), but only if that's two+ characters. I'd have to go with your format in this situation.

    If it was only one character, I would keep it in one paragraph, unless they completely changed subjects.

    Which would be like:


    But if it was two character, I would always give one character one paragraph and the other character another paragraph.

  • I believe the rule for that is every time a new person talks a new paragraph should be made. But if it's the same person that started the paragraph, then I would assume it's the same paragraph. Whatever you think, Shrukan.

    However if you're turning it into a teacher, use their method. They might take off points for you not doing so.

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Teacher's way I yearn for the most, but it's not really either. Having one empty line between every line of speech is kind of overusing it. BUT you will ALWAYS have to start a new line when a NEW person speaks, so like if there already was another person speaking in the same line.

    It is also preferred to start a new line at every new beginning of speech after a part of description. But there doesn't need to be an empty space between it. In books this usually doesn't happen to save space.

    This is how I would do it. It depends on how the descriptive sentences relate to the speech. They do a lot in the last passage, which is why I put them after eachother. The "weak" and "So very weak" passages gain a lot in power when put alone on a line.

    .. _ .. /~_0_~\ .. _ ..
    defy the blackened, enshroud your timidity, destroy the legend, embrace your reality.

    -=!~|I am from beyond your God|~!=-