hey I think I know you

  • But the question is do you know me? You might have seen me here and their or maybe not it doesn't matter right now. I will be getting a new computer some time soon, how does this effect you? more like how does it not =P it means I"m gonna be online more and for longer amounts of time so lets try to get along every body m'kay? if any one needs a friend I'm a friend of every bodys =P so I'm always here for you people. But I will be at ZD more but I think I'll hang around here and if i get a good vibe then I'll stick around but no promises

    P.S sorry for the long introduction

    P.P.S (or is it P.S.S?) sorry for my gramme and spelling errors I'm not very good at that

    As we live on,
    we lose a little bit more.
    Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
    we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out

  • I'd say, welcome to our fabulous community. Enjoy yourself, etc.

    Don't get carried away by several member inside of the community, though. They can be relatively manipulating at times. I shouldn't tell you, though, I've managed to notice that you're an experienced forum user, seeing as how you have acquired excellent punctuation and grammar. Congratulations!

    Also, I'm one of the three site Administrators/Co-Webmaster. Our names appear in red every time we post. You also have rank lower, it's called Super Moderator. Which is basically an admin without access to the admin-panel and several subforums which they haven't been assigned to.

    Well, have a great time here!

    ~ Captain Cutflake

    Winner: The "They always come back" Award

    Winner: The "Most likely to be a channer" Award

    Winner: The "Most annoying avatar" Award

  • Eh, you don't know me. You seem to be one of the third new members today... HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I'm supprised, but glad at the same time. Welcome to a lovely, and nice forum. Enjoy your time.

    You have me to thank for that. =)

    Well...Maybe not...But anyways, glad you joined Reed. Hope you have a good time here.

  • Reeeeeeeed! Glad you could join. Hope you have fun and whatnot. Sorry for the sucky welcome xD

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • meh A welcome is a welcome I'm just glad people welcomed me ^_^ I'll start posting around some after I get my new Internet connection and that should be soon. (I hope.)

    As we live on,
    we lose a little bit more.
    Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
    we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out