What made you purchase an N64?

  • Lol never bought it, it was never worth the money in my opinion at that time with PS1 as its opponent but yeah now I enjoy its games on emulator

    Beauty is just the deception of the eye, if I cant see the ugliest and most beautiful are equal

  • As a kid I was religiously devoted to get up at 5 am on weekends and turn on the Tv for the morning cartoons. Saturdays had this TV show about videogames, some segments answering questions on how to pass a level. That's when I saw this video game that was like a Fairytale. He freed some guys from cells and fought some sort of amazon woman. It was cool.

    Each Saturday I'd watch the show and learn more about the game. For my birthday my father would get me a gaming console. His friends were rooting for a Playstation One but I wanted this game so badly, and it was for the N64.

    The big day arrived and my father took me to electronic store. He was trying to persuade me into the PS console. I bet he wished he had taken me elsewhere for they had a big TV advert for the game I wanted. The Fairytale of the princess scaping in a horse from a big Castle while a kid watches them go, just to be confronted by the evil man. It made me feel more sure than ever I wanted that game. Before going for the console I went for the game. My father tried to persuade me again saying I could buy it in the other console. I showed him the sticker in the box that said very clearly "Only for N64".

    So yeah, i guess you could say :TLoZ:::OoT: made me buy a Nintendo 64.

  • As a kid I was religiously devoted to get up at 5 am on weekends and turn on the Tv for the morning cartoons. Saturdays had this TV show about videogames, some segments answering questions on how to pass a level. That's when I saw this video game that was like a Fairytale. He freed some guys from cells and fought some sort of amazon woman. It was cool.

    Each Saturday I'd watch the show and learn more about the game. For my birthday my father would get me a gaming console. His friends were rooting for a Playstation One but I wanted this game so badly, and it was for the N64.

    The big day arrived and my father took me to electronic store. He was trying to persuade me into the PS console. I bet he wished he had taken me elsewhere for they had a big TV advert for the game I wanted. The Fairytale of the princess scaping in a horse from a big Castle while a kid watches them go, just to be confronted by the evil man. It made me feel more sure than ever I wanted that game. Before going for the console I went for the game. My father tried to persuade me again saying I could buy it in the other console. I showed him the sticker in the box that said very clearly "Only for N64".

    So yeah, i guess you could say The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time made me buy a Nintendo 64.

    Um....I'm not trying to talk bad about your dad, but what kind of father would do that? Sounds really selfish.

    *insert something witty here*

  • Um....I'm not trying to talk bad about your dad, but what kind of father would do that? Sounds really selfish.

    One that is at least mildly curious about gaming and has gaming friends. We just had been out of the loop for a while and he honestly thought PS would be a better purchase. Having the same console as your friends facilitate trading games and stuff. He did get the N64 for my birthday once I left clear that is what I wanted and I am pretty sure he didn't regret it. Eventually we acquired a PlayStation.

  • MORAL OF THE STORY: Always listen to your parents !!!!

    I always give right advise I'm an angel ** waits for the coughing to come** Eureka it does not come

    BTW I downloaded Project 64 and Zelda as well.... Ocarina of Time here I COME

    Beauty is just the deception of the eye, if I cant see the ugliest and most beautiful are equal

  • I bought the N64 for the games I wanted before, at first, I couldn't buy N64, as I bought a PC instead, only one time in a month I can buy one console. Next month, I hardly told my father to bought a N64 for me, and my father just bought a N64 for me the next few days later, and I enjoyed playing games, these games were very entertaining. And mostly OoT.

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